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应景的音乐,下载欣赏,谢谢!Thank you for the happiness music.

真是个令人愉快的夜晚,我为了应景助兴说了这么一句话。It was a pleasant evening, I said, conciliating the moment.

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更何况影片超强的演员阵容完全是应景产物。Moreover, the film's powerful cast is entirely a product of the occasion.

霍姆斯有关在阿富汗和巴基斯坦人道主义妥协的一席话说的十分应景。Holmes's words about humanitarian compromise in AfPak couldn't come at a more pertinent time.

除了月饼之外亚洲人常吃的应景水果就是柚子与杨桃。In addition to moon cake, some popular fruit Asians eat on Moon Festival are pomelo and star fruit.

随着中国经济的急速升温,中国热自然而然应景而生。With the increasing heated economics soar, China fever has become more and more to the world's sight.

而一些媒体也应景地推出地震手册,指导人们在地震中如何逃生。Some media have occasion to launch the earthquake manual to guide people how to escape the earthquake.

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回想去年年会的主题是“香港在中国‘十二五’计划中的作用”,非常应景。Thinking back to last year's conference theme, it was "Hong Kong's Role in China's 12th Five Year Plan".

通过对比表明,永海会地区具有极大的找矿前应景。Therefore, it is suggested that there is a great potential for the ore-search inYongmeihui metallogenic area.

在你处理文字的过程中可以尝试使用不同的字体,来找到你最喜欢的最应景的字体。Experiment with the fonts in your word processing program to find one that you like and that fits the occasion.

柚子外形浑圆,象征团圆之意,所以也是中秋节的应景水果。Grapefruit rounded shape, symbolizing the reunion of Italy, it is also the Mid-Autumn Festival occasional fruit.

这部作品非常应景,它讲述了一位前总统由其职位困境中脱身而去时所遇到的麻烦。Appropriately enough, it's about a former president who's having trouble letting go of the trappings of his office.

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在复活节之际,这个蛋形的数码相框可谓是应试应景之作!With Easter almost around the corner, this egg-shaped digital photo frame could not have come at a more opportune time.

最应景的就是吃粽子和赛龙舟,据说这是为了纪念伟大的古代诗人屈原。Eatingzongzi and racing dragon boats are the most pertinent ones, which are said tobe in memory of Qu Yuan, a great poet.

也就是说,PHP让你快速简洁地编写代码,这对于许多应景而生的应用是合适的。A.k.a., they allow code to be written quickly and compactly, which is fine for many situational applications that spring up.

2009年是天文学历史上最重要的两大事件400年的周年纪念,选定“开普勒”做望远镜的名字也是应景之作。The choice of the name Kepler is timely, for 2009 is the 400th anniversary of two of the most momentous events in astronomy.

真的没意料到在这十一月尾的时候就看到雪了呢,总觉得下雪,若是在圣诞节期间就真的很应景了。Really didn't expect to see the snows in this end of November, as I thought it might be more 'welcomed' during Christmas instead.

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平安夜图书专栏不能不提及长久以来为人们所喜爱、现在依然非常应景的圣诞节主题图书。No Christmas Eve column about books would be complete without mentioning some longtime Christmas favorites that are still relevant.

制造商们正在应景吹嘘他们的蓝光播放器可以播出好的3D画面,所以你找好播放器的型号即可。Manufacturers are quick to brag about whether their Blu-ray players can output 3-D properly, so just google the model of your player.

如此看来,巴斯达韵出现在本周的发布会似乎也合情应景,因为他另一首单曲的曲名是“尊重我的集团”。It therefore seems appropriate that Busta Rhymes was at this week's launch. The title of one of his other songs is "Respect My Conglomerate".