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中军和外军在军服标准上差别很大,各军常穿着同一颜色的军服。In the army, Lushi took charge of it. Troops of ten had uniform of the same color.

在一个和买家的午餐会上,王中军原则上表示同意与我们合作。At a lunch with the buyer, Wang Zhongjun agreed in principle to the deal we helped crafted.

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星期天晚上,在中国嘉德拍卖行,电影大亨王中军收藏了此作品。It was snapped up by film mogul Wang Zhongjun at the China Guardian auction house on Sunday evening.

曹中军只是个毫无防备的无辜受害者,这给他的家庭带来了毁灭性的伤害。This was a defenceless man, an innocent victim. It has had devastating repercussions for his family.

直到今天,每当我听到关于中军的负面评论时,我都会讲到他对承诺的恪守。To this day, every time I hear negative comments on Zhongjun, I talked about his commitment to keeping his promise.

“但好的方面是,你看到了政府正在加大打击盗版的力度,”王中军说。"But the good thing is, you can see that the government is increasing its efforts to crack down on pirates, " Wang said.

雇佣步兵,龙骑兵,翼骑兵和绝大多数炮兵部署在中军由杨·卡齐米尔指挥。The infantry mercenaries, the dragoons, hussars and most of the artillery was in the center under the command of John Kazimierz.

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我们对影视项目谨慎而严格的选择机制有助于确保我们的增长。公司主席王中军说。"Our prudent and strict selection mechanism for movie projects helped to ensure our growth, " said Wang Zhongjun, chairman of HBMC. ?

中国最大的私营电影制片公司,华谊兄弟传媒集团的总裁王中军,说盗版已经是经商环境的一部分了。Wang Zhongjun, the chairman of China Huayi Brothers Media Group, the largest private movie production company in China, said piracy was part of the environment.

相传明代泉州卫指挥周坐,在大兴土木扩建妈祖庙的工程竣工后,用剩余建材建了一座中军庙,并塑了神像。It is saind that Quanzhou director of Ming dynasty Zhouzuo after reconstructing Mazu temple constructed a Zhongjun temple with remnant building material and figured for him.

针对战场指挥系统中军标符号编辑和标绘模块里的难点——动态军标符号的生成问题进行了研究。This difficult problem that how to build the dynamic military symbol in the dynamic military symbol editor and marker module of the chain of command in battlefield is studied.

华谊兄弟公司是由王中军和王中磊兄弟在1994年成立的一家电影电视联合制作公司,它是中国最大的影视工作室,同时也网罗了中国最顶尖的艺人。Founded in 1994 by siblings Wang Zhongjun and Wang Zhonglei, the combination film-and-TV production company -- which also manages China's top talent -- is the country's largest studio.