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她的一只胳臂在事故中伤残了。Her arm was mutilated in the accident.

我所看到的可怕的死亡和伤残。I have seen horrible deaths and mutilations.

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他那伤残的身体为他诉说了所有的遭遇。His broken body does all the talking for him.

他领有一笔政府发的伤残抚恤金。He has a disability pension from the government.

他拥有一笔政府发的伤残抚恤金。He has a discompetency pension from the government.

媒体对伤残奥运的报导相当低调。Media coverage of the Paralympics is rather low-key.

一根肋骨骨折,三根轻微骨折能定伤残吗?Rib fractures, three minor fractures can be disabled it?

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这位老师在约20平方米的住宅内,收养了40余只被遗弃的伤残猫。A teacher takes in over 40 abandoned cats in her 20 sq . m home.

那么,如果你没有伤残保险,他们付诸东流。Well, they go down the drain if you don’t have disability insurance.

提高了一次性工亡补助金和一次性伤残补助金标准。The standards of lump sum benefit payment for death and injury raised.

他的左眼,一个无神、浑浊的眼球,是第一次战斗造成的伤残。His left eye, a blank, milky orb, is a casualty of his very first battle.

这是一种永久性的伤残,所以他不能去做一份正规稳定的工作。He was put on permanent disability and was unable to work at a steady job.

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位于弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿的ESN是一家由伤残退伍军人开办的小公司。ESN, of Arlington, Va., is a service-disabled, veteran-owned small business.

有些雇员可能还会得到短期或长期伤残的证明,她补充到。Some employees may be eligible for short- or long-term disability, she adds.

工会也提供在特定情况下的伤残保险。The union also provides otherwise unobtainable access to disability insurance.

霍尔斯特德对那些没去过国家美国伤残退伍军人冬季运动培训班的伤残退伍军人必须要说点什么呢?What does Halsted have to say to disabled veterans who haven't been to the NDVWSC?

交通事故致股骨颈骨折伤残评定时机探讨。Impairment expertise opportunity of femoral neck fracture caused in traffic accident.

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而沃巴什县的居民对于他伤残的反应则让他的故事变得更加感人。grows even more touching with the response of the citizens of Wabash to his disability.

现在,我们想要尽量帮助这些严重伤残的病人,找到新的治疗方法。And now we aim to try to help provide new treatment for these severely disabled patients.

然而,对于精神伤残者的苦境所持的冷漠并非是我所看到的全部画面。Yet this indifference to the plight of the mentally incapacitated is not the whole picture.