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我不愿意三番五次地麻烦他。I hate troubling him time and again.

她三番五次地出卖他,怎麽可能是爱他呢?How could she when she betrayed him so badly?

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一个妇人三番五次去寻找参孙的长处。One persistent lady to find were Samson's strength was.

母亲三番五次地告诫她女儿要努力学习。Mother dings into her daughter the importance of hard study.

他利用了她的善良,三番五次地向她借钱。He took advantage of her kindness and borrowed money from her too often.

尽管那男孩的父母三番五次要他认错,那男孩就是不听。Despite several promptings from his parents the boy refused to apologize.

古克松一路上三番五次的想逃跑。Want to run away GuKeSong three transgressions of five times along the way.

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迪克曾三番五次地被解雇,因为他的老板们看不惯他的举止。Dick had been fired time and again because his employers objected to his manners.

我们已三番五次告诉过你,干什么都得按法律办事。We've over and over again told you that everything must be done according to law.

生活真象这杯浓酒,不经三番五次的提炼呵,就不会这样可口!Life like this cup of liquor, again and again without refining ah, will not be so delicious!

班主任三番五次到家里来叫他,说他是清华、北大的料,不考就可惜了。Teacher again and again home to call him, said he is Tsinghua University, material, not to take a pity.

我曾三番五次央求鲍里斯买些面包当早饭,可他总是忘记。I HAs question Boris time and one abundance time to order bread for breakfast, but he sll the time forgets.

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如果在同一个话题上三番五次地发邮件你还是不明白或是仍有疑问,就打电话吧。If you've gone back and forth three times on a topic and you're still confused or have questions, pick up the phone.

外交大臣三番五次地会晤,都对伊朗把几克铀浓缩到百分之四的水平深感担忧。Foreign ministers meet again and again, concerned that Iran has enriched a few milligrams of uranium to a4 percent level.

我曾三番五次央求鲍里斯买些面包当早饭,可他总是忘记。I have asked Boris time and again to order bread for breakfast, but he always forgets. He goes out for breakfast, it seems.

三番五次地将蟋蟀移到距离蜂巢几英寸地方,可怜的黄蜂会一次又一次地重复她的房屋清扫的动作。Again and again, this poor wasp can be made to repeat her house-cleaning chores by moving the cricket a few inches from the nest.

可是当继母得知白雪公主还没死后又三番五次地扮成老太婆陷害她,终于把白雪公主害死。But when her stepmother that snow white is not dead and then again and again to be the old woman framed her, finally put snow white.

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老斯兰特瑞,紧紧守着几亩薄田,置杰拉尔德和约翰·威尔克斯三番五次的提出买地于不顾,没有谋生能力而又爱抱怨。Old Slattery, who clung persistently to his few acres, in spite of repeated offers from Gerald and John Wilkes, was shiftless and whining.

哥哥三番五次地警告我,歌声让他没法集中精力打游戏,于是我只好把演唱场所缩小到洗澡间里。After several warnings by my brother about singing and disturbing his concentration for his video games, I limited my singing to the shower.

戈尔,现年59岁,一直表现低调,三番五次地说他没有在争取成为2008年民主党总统候选人,当然他一直也没有完全关闭那扇门。Gore, 59, has been coy, saying repeatedly he's not running for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008, without ever closing that door completely.