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我觉得很丰富多采的。I think it is very colorful.

你可以拥有丰富多采的人生。You can have a colorful life.

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世界应该是丰富多采的。The world should be a colorful one.

他的作品显示了生活的丰富多采。His work shows all the richness and variety of life itself.

你觉得在这儿的生活怎么样我觉得很丰富多采的。What do you think of the life here I think it is very colorful.

以下是对部份美国大城市文化生活的简单描述,从一个侧面反映了美国文化艺术的活力和丰富多采。Find out more about the vigor and variety of America’s artistic heritage.

纽约市有众多的移民,饮食文化丰富多采。New York also has a diverse food culture, shaped by its large immigrant population.

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幸福是丰富多采的,只你用心去体会,就会感觉到幸福!Happiness is rich and varied, only to experience your intentions, it will feel happy!

改革开放的浪潮,促进了版画创作面貌的更加丰富多采。Under the impact of reform and opening-up, China's prints become even more diversified.

但一个公民生活是多方面,人的多方面追求构造社会的丰富多采。However, a civic life are many, many people the pursuit of the rich structure of the society.

一个丰富多采的职业生涯,无数战绩和成就造就使郑礼明成为一位广受欢迎的演讲人。A colorful career path, numerous battle scars and achievements make Ray a sought-after speaker.

以便在食品加工过程中控制条件,生产出丰富多采的风味食品。It, then, throws light on controlling snitable conditions to produce rich and colorful flavor foods.

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网页通过展示文字,图画,动画,照片,声音和录象来使得通讯丰富多采。The Web allows rich and diverse communication by displaying text, graphics, animation, photos, sound and video.

那丰富多采的内容,充实了我的人生,也为童稚的学生生涯增添了几分乐趣与悠然。The rich content, enriched my life, as well as childish students career added a few minutes of fun and carefree.

由于作者都是农民,面广人多,年龄相异,所以剪纸的题材丰富多采。As the authors are farmers, a wide range of many people, age differences, so rich and varied paper-cutting themes.

希望广大中小学生通过参加丰富多采的课余活动选择正确的生活方式。It is hoped that the students will choose a healthy life style through participating these recreational activities.

您讲的课,是那样丰富多采,每一个章节都仿佛在我面前打开了一扇窗户,让我看到了一个斑斓的新世界。You speak of course, is so rich and varied, each chapter seemed before I opened the window, let me see a beautiful new world.

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劳动者用勤劳的双手和智慧,编织了这个丰富多采的网络世界,创造这个伟大的信息时代。Workers with hard-working hands and wisdom, weaving the rich network of the world, and the creation of this great information age.

研究冯玉祥将军的结党活动,对于展示他丰富多采的人生阅历和独特性格大有裨益。Studying General Feng Yuxiang's clique-forming activities is beneficial to revealing his colorful life experiences and unique character.

中国幅员广大,自然景观丰富多采,且具有悠久的文化和历史,的确是个旅游天堂。With its vast territory, countless and colorful natural wonders, and rich culture and long history , China is indeed a paradise for travel.