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我没有添枝加叶,如此。我说的都是事实。I didn't spice up. All I said is true.

我没有添枝加叶,我说的都是事实。I didn't spice up. All I sbummist is true.

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他总爱添枝加叶,把故事讲得更有趣。He always exaggerates to make his stories more amusing.

他讲事儿总是添枝加叶使之更吸引人。He always embroiders his stories to make them more exciting.

你只要讲清事实,千万不要添枝加叶。Just tell the truth and don't embellish the story by any means.

领袖的生平事迹已被传记作家们添枝加叶地大加渲染。The events of the leader's life were heavily embellished by his biographers.

许多写信函的人认为需要把普通词添枝加叶地修饰一番。Many letter writers feel they have to dress up ordinary words when they write.

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我讨厌某些人说话老是习惯添枝加叶。I hate the fact that people tend to spice it up a little while telling stories.

到4岁左右,孩子就能够添枝加叶地补充一些与谎言不矛盾的话。Around age 4, children are able to tell additional statements that won’t contradict the lie.

真实的原始记录是新闻照片的灵魂,求的是原汁原味,一经改动或添枝加叶,其价值必打折扣。Whatis sought is the authentic. As soon as they are touched or embellished, their value is inevitably discounted.

就连一些最受尊敬和最富有的人,也熟练掌握了给真相添枝加叶、添油加醋的本事。Some of the most revered and wealthiest people mastered the skill of presenting a less than veridical version of reality.

也有人认为,这是因为年轻的求职者往往缺乏足够的经验或者人脉,因此,他们希望能通过在简历上添枝加叶来弥补这些不足。It could also be that young job hunters, often lacking much experience or professional contacts, try to compensate by embellishing the truth.

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即使没有像“就在这里”这些话,你都可以制造出更多的一些紧张来为你的幽默添枝加叶,从而提高你的真正的幽默感!Although there's nothing like "being there, " you can improve on the actual event by embellishing to create a little more tension in the set up.

他以一种创造性的狂热,将自己投入这个幻梦之中,不断添枝加叶,用一路飘来的每根绚丽羽毛加以缀饰。He had thrown himself into it with a creative passion, adding to it all the time, decking it out with every bright feather that drifted his way.

既然我们都曾经做过对我们的经历夸大其词或者添枝加叶,那我们就需要告诉孩子什么是合理的修饰,什么是错误的修饰。Since we all exaggerate and add to our experiences, we need to teach children the difference between the right kind of embellishment and the wrong kind.

在二面中,你的是为早期勾画好的总体情况添枝加叶,并为你对该份工作的任何疑问和担心找出答案。Your goal in this stage is to add detail to the broad picture that was painted earlier and to answer any doubts or concerns that you may have about the job.

毕竟,讲真话越多,你就做的越好,而且,这样对你来说,对真相添枝加叶、加以掩盖、歪曲、夸大或者忽视都会变得更难。After all, the more you tell the truth, the better you’ll get at it, and thus, the harder it will be for you to stretch, omit, slant, exaggerate or ignore the truth.

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真实的原始记录是新闻照片的灵魂,求的是原汁原味,一经改动或添枝加叶,其价值必打折扣。Original photo records are the soul of news photos. What is sought is the authentic. As soon as they are touched or embellished, their value is inevitably discounted.

一部分罪魁祸首没有留下姓名,淹没在了历史的长河中。他们是艺术家和故事家。多年来,这些人根据个人意愿歪曲圣经经文和故事,添枝加叶。Some of the guilty parties are anonymous, lost to history. They are artists and storytellers who over the years embellished biblical stories and passages with their own twists.

同时,他们习惯添枝加叶、言不由衷。往往会使得这个世界里的记忆在个人想像的土壤中歧散、孕育、滋养。At the same time, their constant embellishments and repeated lies were fruits of the same world, in which memories split and grew, nourished in the soil of one's own imagination.