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我说到做到,你们不要惹我。I'm not one to mess with.

说到做到。言而必行。No sooner said than done.

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这次,我们绝对说到做到。This time we definitely mean it.

你喜欢拖延还是喜欢说到做到?Do you procrastinate or are you ambitious?

让我们向居心不良的人和特殊利益集团展示我们的决心,我们依然可以说到做到。Let’s show the cynics and the special interests that we still can.

我在竞选总统时承诺要做到透明化,我说到做到。I ran for President promising transparency, and I meant what I said.

他说到做到,第二天,他递给我一张写给希拉里的短笺,上面说希拉里所说的是正确的。He did, and the next day he gave me a note for Hillary saying she was right.

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这是自然的,相信耶稣是容易的,因为他不只是空谈,而是说到做到。It was natural, it was easy to believe Him because He did not just talk the talk.

说到做到,信守诺言,他们露面时,警察恭候在银行。Then, true to their word, they showed up – just as police were coming to greet them.

说到做到,你的成功就在于你怎么玩好这个游戏。When it’s all said and done, your success will depend on how well you played the game.

如果朝鲜决定关闭准资本主义的开城工业区,它会说到做到。If the North decides to shut down the quasi-capitalist Kaesong industrial complex, so be it.

超级送分200,一定给,说到做到,如果问题解决,再加200分。Super-send sub-200, must give, says it will do, if problem solving, coupled with 200 points.

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负责是指专注本业、以追求高品质为使命,答应顾客的事说到做到。Responsibility-focus on business, and pursue high quality products & service customer demand.

因此尽管你可能不会在他身上期待太多惊喜,至少你能够知道他会说到做到。So although you shouldn't expect a lot of surprises, at least you'll know he means what he says.

我只是觉得,他好像什么都懂,他从来都非说到做到的,他总是能影响我们的一切。I just think that he seems to know everything, he has never say we do, he always can affect all of us.

虽然我们都不怀疑伊斯兰党会说到做到,但我们没有感到担心或疑惑的时间。Although none of us doubted Hizbul Islam's words, and their threats, we had no time to worry or wonder.

虽然我们都不怀疑伊斯兰党会说到做到,但我们没有感到担心或疑惑的时间。Although none of us doubted Hizbul Islam’s words, and their threats, we had no time to worry or wonder.

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她说到做到,因为她从来就忍受不了不以她为主题的谈话。She meant what she said, for she could never long endure any conversation of which she was not the chief subject.

我们肯定会说到做到,支付你们退回的从我处购买的商品的运费。We surely will live up to our words that we will pay the freightage for returning the goods that your buy from us.

你是个有雄心的人么?你喜欢拖延还是喜欢说到做到?一般一件事你多久才会去做?Understand your motivation. Do you procrastinate or are you ambitious? How long does it take to get something started?