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他用尺在纸上画上平行线。He ruled the paper with a ruler.

他证明了平行线的存在性。He proved the existence of parallel lines.

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设有一组平行线与圆锥曲线相交。Consider a family of parallel lines that cut the conic.

平行线工作室联合执行官弗兰克·拉加诺从来没有踏足亚洲。Frank Ragano, CEO of Parallel Studio, has never been to Asia before.

而我们,注定是两条平行线,只能相望,却不能相交。But we, are two parallel lines, can only look, but can not intersect.

按照定义,平行线是在同一平面上永不相交的线。Parallel lines are, by definition, lines on the same plane that never join.

我们就像两条平行线一样,很近又很远,没有交点。We would like two parallel lines, very near and far, no point of intersection.

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平行线虽然永远都不交叉,但是至少大家都是往同一个方向前进。Although parallel lines never meet, but they move forward in the same direction.

最后只能站在两条平行线上互相守望却从不曾交错!Can stand finally at two parallel on-line mutual on guard never once cross however!

但这就是“普通”人和我自己这两条平行线相交而停止的地方。But this is where the parallels between the "norm" and myself come grinding to halt.

首先画两条平行线,然后再画出其他的完成图形。Draw one pair of parallel lines first, followed by the others to complete the shapes.

比赛路径将再一次将你们带向第40条平行线以下,一路航行向东。Once again, the race route takes you below the 40th parallel for another sleigh ride east.

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也就是,在六条间距660毫米的平行线间的距离是否包括用来限定此距离的两条引导线的宽度?No, 660 mm is the distance from the mid-point of one guideline to the mid-point of the next one.

两条平行线,永远无交集,虽是闪闪烁烁,将是永恒记忆。Two parallel lines can never intersect, though it is sparkling Shuoshuo, will be eternal memory.

仿射转换指的是平行线在转换后还保持平行。An affine transformation is one in which parallel lines remain parallel after the transformation.

一个艺术中心的屋顶的设计就是几十个传统的用交叉的平行线画出阴影。The ceiling of one of the art centres is decorated with dozens of traditional cross-hatch designs.

为了逃脱来袭的海浪安全到达海岸,你必须沿着海岸的平行线游过去。To safely get back to shore you need to swim parallel to the shore line to escape the pull of the tide.

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两条平行线,偏有了交点,化蝶,羽翅翩跹出爱情的诗篇。Two parallel lines, side with the intersection, turning into a butterfly, Yuchi lightly out of love poems.

这条线在地理上是条平行线,它是个东西向的圈。OK,so this guy,so that's a piece of what's called a parallel in geography That's a circle that goes east-west.

对,你知道,两条平行线无限延伸但永不会相交,其实他们在现实中并不存在。Yea know , two lines go on and on forever, and never touch. Yea. Cept , cept they don't actually exist in nature.