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是为黄帝轩辕氏。Is the Yellow Emperor Huangdi's.

黄昏中散发着银蓝光辉的轩辕十四略呈雪青色。Silvery-blue Regulus may look pinkish in the twilight.

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轩辕十四是狮子座中最亮的星星。Regulus is the brightest star in the constellation Leo.

银蓝色的轩辕十四在暮色里有一点点浅桃色。Silvery -blue Regulus may look pinkish in the twilight.

请问轩辕将军,想要问什么?!Excuse me, the general of Xuan Yuan, want to query what?!

大自然的美就像空气一样,与卓越的行为不分轩辕。Ever does natural beauty steal in like air , and envelope great actions.

如果梦三国知道谜底轩辕传奇会告诉决战官答案,假如仙侠世界不知道,大话水浒只会巧妙的回应。If I know the answer I'll tell you the answer, and if I don't, I'll just respond, cleverly.

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轩辕十四碰巧现于日月星运行带——黄道上。Regulus happens to be located on the pathway of the sun, moon and planets – called the ecliptic.

黄帝战蚩尤神话中轩辕司南起了决定性作用。Xuanyuan Sinan exerted a decisive function in the legendary war of Yellow Emperor against Chi You.

另外,轩辕十四是第21个明亮的星星,但是它比其他的许多星星更能吸引人们的注意。By the way, Regulus is the 21st brightest star, but it attracts more attention than many bright stars.

佛教在晋朝时传入黄山,轩辕峰下曾建有轩­辕古刹。Huangshan in the Jin dynasty, when Buddhism introduced, under the peak Regulus Regulus temple was built.

当月光开始暗淡的时候-不会完全消失-土星和轩辕十四将出现并包夹月亮。As the moonlight dims — it won't go totally dark — Saturn and Regulus will pop out and sandwich the moon.

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希炎身后就是路修,他背上始终伏着轩辕小可。Is rare burning after death is a road to fix, he back altitude always Fu write the Xuan Yuan is a little.

这功夫,轩辕青龙便和玉清真人一起走进了前殿。This exertion, Xuan Yuan green dragon then ugg boots jade Islamic human together before wading into castle.

古城寨一带为传说中的祝融之墟,亦黄帝所居轩辕之丘。The area of Guchengzhai site is the ruins of Zhu Rong, and also the hillock of XuanYuan where Huangdi lived.

至于轩辕黄帝究竟葬在何处,史学和考古界一直存在争论。To bury actually as for shaft Yellow Emperor in where, the history and the archaeology has had the argument.

唐代道教旧籍中,关于轩辕黄帝来山炼丹、得道升天的故事流传甚广。Membership in the old Tang Dynasty Taoist, alchemy on Huangdi to Hill, the story of enlightenment heaven widespread.

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在过去的几年间,轩辕十四被认为是观测月球和土星运行的固定参照。In the past couple of years, Regulus has served as a fixed reference for watching the motions of the moon and Saturn.

狮子座的王者之星轩辕十四和红色行星火星,在这地平线上繁星闪耀的天空中交相辉映。Leo's royal star Regulus and red planet Mars appear in a colorful pairing just above the horizon in this starry skyscape.

尧,姓伊祁,名放勋,号陶唐氏,系轩辕黄帝五世孙,父帝喾,母庆都。Yao, surnamed Qi in Iraq, were released hoon, wept down, is the Yellow Emperor V sun, father mother Dili Ku, celebrates all.