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毕加索的笔法精妙绝伦。Picasso's brushwork is particularly fine.

笔法松散粗略。The brushwork is loose and undescriptive.

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笔法表明运动和时间的推移。The brushwork suggests movement and the passing of time.

这本书用一种轻松、喜剧的笔法处理这棘手的问题。The book handles the delicate subject with a light comic touch.

唐末不同风格流派的代表诗人普遍效法温庭筠的诗风和笔法。Poets of different genres at that time all imitated Wen's style.

他早期绘画的特点是色彩鲜明,笔法粗犷。Bright colours and bold strokes characterize his early paintings.

马克·吐温采取幽默的笔法缓和了语气,但仍然论述了自己的观点。Twain softened the point with humor, but he made the point nonetheless.

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基本功扎实,笔法雄中见秀,刚柔相济,师古人而不泥。Basic solid, style, and saw the show flexibility, the teacher rather mud.

在箴言的第八章和第九章,智慧再次清楚地以拟人的笔法出现。In Proverbs 8 and 9, wisdom again appears in the form of personification.

布景选在唐朝,内容出色,笔法精深!Sets selected in tang dynasty, and outstanding, brushwork profound content!

吾心目中认为有价值之一切中国优秀作家,皆排斥笔法之说。All good Chinese writers who to my mind are worth anything have repudiated it.

甚至其笔法亦已近似于中国画的皴、擦、点、染。Even some of them also has similar to Chinese paintings Cun, brush, dots, dye.

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绘画的笔法,其基本且肇端于书法的“永”字八法。The method of painting lies yet in the "eight fundamental strokes of writing."

第四章我们用扫描电化学显微术“蘸笔法”构建了葡萄糖氧化酶微米点。In chapter four, GOx micropatterns were fabricated by SECM "Dip-pen" technique.

凡高发展了个性化的笔法及鲜明、纯色的品位。Van gogh developed a taste for personalized brushwork and brilliant unmixed colours.

笔法包括执笔和运笔两个方面。The technique of writing includes two aspects of holding and wielding brush writings.

画家用多样的色彩,抽象的笔法描画了这幅冬日景象。Artists with a variety of colors, abstract strokes depicting the scene of this winter.

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这种笔法正被现代画家继承、发展,具有很强的生命力。This technique is being modern painter inheritance, development, and has strong vitality.

笔法墨法进一步丰富,尤其是积墨法的成功运用,增强了笔的表现力。Especially his successful use of accumulate-ink method highlights the expression of brush.

作品纯以故事取得胜利,笔法极具金庸真传,场面壮观。The story works pure to victory, writing very Jin Yong completely, the spectacular scenes.