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谁是你的经济担保人?Who is your sponsor ?

到纽约票一张,经济座。One New York, economy.

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淄川经济,早完了。Zichuan economy, early.

我们的经济仍在遭受创痛……需要采取进一步措施。Further action is needed.

正学经济?Studying economics, etc.?

经济正在软化。The economy is softening.

经济就是晴雨表。The barometer is economic.

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布里安主修经济。Brian majored in economics.

萧条的经济使他破产了。The depression smashed him.

经济地位承认了。Economic station is admited.

经济萧条一个接一个。One recession after another.

这是一种经济煤炉。This is an economical stove.

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837年的经济大萧条A big depression hit in 1837.

一种醇酸类的经济油漆。It's a alkyds economic paint.

阿富汗的经济在增长。The Afghan econmy is growing.

但在1990年,经济泡沫破裂了。But in 1990, the bubble burst.

他经济受窘。He is embarrassed financially.

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辛巴威经济变化多快?How fast did the economy turn?

经济改革和石油开发取得了实绩。Reforms and oil have paid off.

若经济增长缓慢,则降低利率。So if it's slowing, rates cut.