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他们反对和平。They oppose peace.

的意思是和平。"Shanti" is peace.

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让我们和平地生活。Let us walk in peace.

他倾向于和平主义。He leaned to pacifism.

各国人民都要和平。All nations want peace.

她在那里是为了和平。She is there for peace.

我们不会强求和平。We cannot impose peace.

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欧洲人是和平主义者。Europeans are pacifists.

神为和平付上了昂贵的代价。God is the God of Peace.

我们都渴望和平。We all hanker for peace.

和平结束这件事。End this thing peaceably.

尼泊尔,和平与爱永在!Never end peace and love!

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然而,什么样的和平呢?What sort of peace though?

教宗就和平向天主献上祷告。He prayed to God for peace.

同时还有袁和平。They also have Yuen Woping.

战争使人们对和平的希望落了空。War belied hopes for peace.

战争使人们对和平的希望落空了。War belied hopes for peace.

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世界和平由家开始。World peace begins at HOME.

缔造和平的人是有福的。Blessed are the peacemakers.

是它的和平还是百忧解?Is It Peace Or Is It Prozac ?