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赢得尊重有了威信会让你事半功倍。Winning respect enhances all you do.

戴上墨镜,特别是深色的那种,会让你事半功倍。Wear sunglasses, especially the darker ones.

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有些习性能提高生活的品质,不仅可使你事半功倍,而且也能帮你亡羊补牢。Some habits will help you live a better life.

独到的视明窗及照明设备,检视功能,事半功倍。Unique see-through-window & lighting device for easy monitoring.

让我们在水渗进来之前把坝修好,及时行事可以事半功倍。Let's repair the dam before water seeps in. A stitch in time saves nine.

正确的选择会使你的求学之旅花费更少又事半功倍。Choosing the right option will make your journey more efficient and more economical.

得人心者得天下,做下属敬佩的领导将使管理事半功倍。Very popular in the world, a subordinate admired leader will make the management more.

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将精力花在正确的地方,你才能事半功倍,得到一个更快更优的结果。With a process set in place, you will do much better at achieving quick, quality results.

经常使用该品,会让眼部其他的护理产品产生事半功倍的效果。Frequent use of this product can bring double effects for other nursing products for eyes.

中国大片的区域有待开拓,如果你与当地领导搞好关系将会事半功倍。Huge areas of China are up for grabs, and it helps if you are chums with the local lawman.

最后但并非最不重要的是要经常保持一个好心情,这样做起事来才可以事半功倍。Last but not least, always keeping a good mood can make half the work with double results.

冲动可能会付出额外的代价,深思熟虑后行动,才能事半功倍。Impulse might be to pay an additional price, thoughtful action in order to more efficiently.

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在任何领域,好的设计都会做到事半功倍。Good design in every field accomplishes the “antigravity” trick of accomplishing more with less.

在这基本上依据企业的实际需求入行二次开发,可以起到事半功倍的后果。On this basis it can be empoldered secondary and then get twice the result with half the effort.

多管齐下,才能达到事半功倍的效果。Leave metrically together, could get the result of getting twice the result with half the effort.

我们相信,如果有相关行业的行内的专业人士替阁下排忧解难,业务的发展将事半功倍。How much easier would it be if you had industry professionals around the world doing this with you?

在口腔组织病理学教学中,适时适量地运用图形,能起到事半功倍的效果。In the teaching of oral histopathology, timely and proper use of graphics can obtain double results.

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得人心者得天下,做下属敬佩的领导将使管理事半功倍。People who have to get the world, subordinates admire leadership will make management more effective.

科学的管理维护电脑将会使机房维护工作事半功倍。Management and maintenance of computer science room would maintain most efficient and effective manner.

他们可是非常厚颜无耻的开发着词汇的各种意思,而动词往往事半功倍。They’re cheeky, exploit the multiple meanings of words, and are the verbal equivalent of a double take.