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出生和长大,遮荫P黑鬼。Born and raised, Shady P nigga.

高大的树将花园遮荫了起来。The tall trees shade the garden.

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日间遮荫,夜间保护。A shade by day, defense by night.

树能挡风与遮荫。Trees provide wind protection and shade.

在令人倦怠的夏日,我们供大家遮荫。We gave shade on languorous summer days.

风雨是阻挡危险与罪恶的遮荫The storm is thy shelter from danger and sin

一个朋友决定在她空阔的庭院里种一棵遮荫树。A friend decided to plant a shade tree in her rather bare yard.

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人们有时种植灌木或树木为蔬菜遮荫。People sometimes plant shrubs or trees to shade their vegetables.

在正午和午后烈日当空时,要给他们提供部分遮荫。Provide partial shade from scorching noon or early afternoon sun.

他为了给农作物提供更多的阳光而砍掉了所有的遮荫树。He cut down all his shade trees to provide more sun for his crops.

适度遮荫可以有效的防止耐荫植物发生光氧化伤害。Moderate shade can protect shade endurance plants from photooxidation injury.

你最好在阴凉处设营,白天天气炎热时就能遮荫了。You'd better camp under the shade, which will help during the heat of the day.

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且遮荫条件明显影响体内ATP含量、净光合速率和生物量的积累状况。The shading effects on the content of ATP, net photosynthetic rate and the yield.

材料M28和2046的叶片含水量在遮荫处理后与全光照下无明显差异。Content of M28 and 2046 treated were no significant difference from full sunlight.

炎热的太阳下没有树木遮荫,狂风吹来没有树木档风,干旱的大地上庄稼生长不良。There was no shade from the sun or wind, and crops didn´t grow well in the dry earth.

驴子的影子仅够遮蔽一个人,于是旅客和驴子的主人为了遮荫激烈地争起来,谁都认为自己才有这个权利。He stopped to rest, refuge in the shadow of the donkey, and a shade to avoid exposure.

在内部花园和建设的正确方向的大梧桐树,给遮荫。Large plane trees in the internal garden and correct building orientation, give shade.

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单位乾重及单位面积叶绿素含量在遮荫下皆有增加的趋势。Leaf area and dry weight based Chlorophyll content were increased under shade condition.

遮荫条件下假俭草光合速率降低是非气孔因素所致。In the shading condition, non-stomatal factor arose decreasing of the photosynthetic rate.

不仅是连锁出宽容的部分遮荫,这也是非常抗拒的疾病。Not only is the Knock-Out tolerant of partial shade, it is also very resistant to disease.