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西周时期,是中国早期国家的典型期。Being little evolved from an early ancestral type.

西周存在方伯这种介于天子与诸侯之间的地方势力类型。This was the ruling type between the emperor and the dukes.

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西周时期,是中国早期国家的典型期。Western Zhou Dynasty is the model of Chinese early country.

到了春秋时期,西周的宫城制度又发生了变化。In the Spring and Autumn Period, such system was modified again.

宁夏是西周时戎族和羝族的故乡。Ningxia was home to the Rong and Di tribes in the Western Zhou dynasty.

应国是我国西周时期中原地区的一个小诸侯国。Ying State was a feudal princedom in Central Plains in the Western Zhou period.

周公是西周初期杰出的思想家和政治家。Duke Zhou was an outstanding ideologist and politician in the Western Zhou period.

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西周是中国舞蹈发展史上的第一个高峰。The development of China's dance got to the first peak in the Western Zhou Dynast.

宫城制度在西周时期已经形成形式上的定制。The planning system of imperial palace had been formed in the Western Zhou Dynasty.

虢国是西周初分封的重要姬姓国,汉以后的文献中记载了东、西、南、北和小虢五个虢国。Guo state was a vital state surnamed Ji enfeoffed in the early Western Zhou Dynasty.

葬玉在我国西周晚期已经形成了比较完整的制度。The system of the funeral jades has been formed in the Western Zhou period in China.

笔者发现了西周陶器、青铜器上的文字是用玺印抑印而成的。The writer consider the imprint of the Westen Zhou' seal can be found in it's pottery.

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第一阶段自西周初叶姜太公封齐始,至春秋前中期管仲改革止。The first stage was from Jiang Taigong's founding Qi State to Guan Zhong's reformation.

据考证,最早的手工布鞋是在山西侯马出土的西周武士跪像所穿的布鞋。The soles of the shoes are made up of scores of cloth layer and are completely handmade.

唐冶遗址出土农作物均为旱地作物,没有发现稻谷,可能与西周以来气候趋于干冷有关。The crop patterns might be a result of adaption to the dry and cold climate at that time.

据考证,距今已有二千多年的历史,它始于西周时代。Through the textual research, it began in the West Zhou Dynasty for more than 2,000 years.

荷文化形成于西周至春秋战国时期。The lotus culture formed in the period from West Zhou Dynasty to the Spring and Autumn Period.

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佩洛西周二表示,她期待着在众议院领导忠诚但顽强的反对。Pelosi said Tuesday she looks forward to leading a loyal but tenacious opposition in the House.

介绍在北京新发现的西周燕都城的下水道。The paper introduces the sewer of YanDu City in the Western Zhou Dynasty newly found in Beijing.

它揭示出西周王朝中国奴隶社会全盛时代的特点。It showed characters of the West Zhou Dynasty which was the most advanced Chinese Slavery Society.