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新国防部暨国军组织法已通过议会表决。The new Organic Act of eROC Military Law has been approved by eROC Congress.

它标志着世卫组织第一次运用其组织法权力,颁布一项国际卫生条约。It marked the first use of WHO’s constitutional authority to issue an international health treaty.

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企业设立条件是企业组织法规范的重要内容之一。The requirements of enterprise establishment are one of the important contents of enterprise organization law.

论述宪法、组织法、立法法对立法监督制度的规定。The paper expounds the provision of the constitution, organizational law and legislative law on legislative supervision.

合议制度是我国法院组织法和三大诉讼法所规定的诉讼法上的基本制度。The panel discussion system is the basic litigation system that the organization law and the three litigations prescribe.

特侦组的设置,从法院组织法规定来说,似乎确有某种「独立」的味道。The Special Investigative Unit was authorized by the Organic Law of the Court. Its arrangement does suggest some sort of independence.

实现教育行政有限职能就要求转变观念,完善教育行政组织法,健全社会中介组织。To achieve these functions demands transforming the ideas, perfecting the organization law and setting the society medi- organization.

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全国人民代表大会制定和修改刑事法律、民事法律、国家机构组织法和其他基本法律。The NPC enacts and amends basic laws, such as the criminal law and civil law as well as organic laws on state organs and other matters.

我国应将企业组织法和企业发展法分列立法的模式。We should adopt the legislation pattern for enterprises that enterprise organization law should be separated from enterprise development law.

世界卫生组织在其组织法中提及人类福祉中身体、精神和社会这三个密切相关的方面。The constitution of the World Health Organization refers to the physical, mental and social aspects of our wellbeing, which are closely linked.

当一个组织法人化后,它拥有独立于所属成员的法律身份,在法律事务中为成员提供保护。When an association becomes incorporated it has its own legal identity separate from its members, providing protection to members in legal transactions.

同时,行政三分制还因为缺乏组织法和相关法律的支持而欠缺合法性要件。Meanwhile, the administrative system, a lack of one-third of the Organic Law and related laws and the lack of support for the legitimacy of the elements.

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历经1933年训政时期国民参政会组织法的制定,1938年终于促成了抗战时期国民参政会的成立。Through the making of organizational law of National Political Counsel for Tutelage Period in 1933, National Political Council established in 1938 at last.

从国际组织法的角度来看,欧共体与WTO虽然具有国际组织的共性,但是它们在诸多方面也存在着明显的区别。From the perspective of the law of international organizations, the EC and the WTO have much in common, but they still have obvious differences in many aspects.

而源自于信托制度本身的契约法、财产法与组织法的多元维度,为分析商事信托提供了更为全面的视角。The multi-dimension analysis of the Contract Law, Property Law and the Organizational Law from the trust system itself provides a more comprehensive perspective.

作为商法领域的上位概念,企业与企业法是对商事组织法的抽象、概括。As the superior concept in the field of commercial law, the enterprise and the enterprise law are abstracted and generalized from the commercial organization law.

公司立法从组织法到行为法的转变过程,也就是公司权力的行使不断地受到限制的过程。Company's legislation goes to the change course of behavior law from organization law, is also company's power exercise the course that gets restriction continuously.

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之后,雪佛龙根据诈骗影响和腐败组织法针对唐奇格和他的客户提起了民事诉讼,案件尚未审结。Chevron subsequently filed civil claims under RICO, the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, against Donziger and his clients, which are pending.

企业法的嬗变说明了企业组织法的进化和异化,厘清了中小企业法立法的制度原因。The permutation of enterprise law explains the evolution and dissimulation of enterprise organizational law, which makes clear the reason of the legislation of SME law.

的规则,程序和条件提出的申诉由选民根据第一个应按照组织法关于反腐败问题。The rules, procedure and conditions for the lodging of the complaint by the voters under paragraph one shall be in accordance with the organic law on counter corruption.