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我国将放宽中小城市和小城镇户籍限制。China to relax "hukou" restrictions in small cities, towns.

包括我在内的很多人都领教过中小城市生存法则中的“关系网”这个残酷的事实。Many have learned the hard truth of small city networks, including myself.

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全国大中小城市均有本厂产品。Our products are available in large, medium and small cities all over the country.

中小城市的道路网普遍存在着公路网技术等级低、服务水平差等问题。Furthermore, highway network mostly is the trouble of technical grade and service low.

业务逐步辐射全国各大中小城市,及东南亚、中东、非洲等国际市场上。Business eradiate to the cities all around China, Southeast Asia, middle-east & African market.

然而,专家表示,许多中小城市都未能成功吸引劳动力。However, many small- and medium-sized cities have failed to attract labor, according to the expert.

大学生们对中国西部中小城市发生的迅速变化惊叹不已。Students marveled at the rapidity of transformation in China's western small and medium-sized cities.

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近年来,一些中小城市商业银行出现了财务贫困性增长的现象。In recent years, finance poverty increase arises in the commercial banks in some medium and small cities.

本文首先对中小城市编制交通管理规划的指导思想、规划原则、规划依据等进行研究。First, do research on the guidance idea and principia and gist of constituting of traffic management planning.

根据调查资料显示,我国中小城市儿童低龄入学现象日趋严重。According to the survey, the low age enrollment phenomenon in some small urban of has become increasingly serious.

益阳作为中国中部地区的一座中小城市,其城市文化具有一定的代表性。Yiyang is a middle city which locates in the southern central China. Its urban culture has certain representation.

要逐步提高城镇化水平,坚持大中小城市和小城镇协调发展,走中国特色的城镇化道路。Efforts will be made to promote the coordinated development of large, medium-sized and small cities and small towns.

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本定介绍了一种适合中小城市使用的微电脑查号及自动报号系统。The System which is introduced in this paper is suitable for 114 Service Station of postoffice in small-middle city.

最后,根据上文所得出的环城游憩活动谱,对中小城市环城游憩开发提出建议。The last part, suggestions about recreation development around urban area is given based on such recreation spectrum.

本公司实力雄厚、经验丰富、配套齐全、产品畅销国内外各大中小城市。The strength of the company, experienced, fully furnished, medium and small cities all products sold at home and abroad.

公司依托丰富的行业经验和强大的实力,销售网络已遍布北京、上海、广州、深圳、杭州、哈尔滨、济南等200多个大中小城市。Supported by rich experience in the trade and huge strength, the marketing network of Deli has woven into over 200 cities.

以大城市北京和中小城市晋江作为实地考察点,证明竞技运动表演与城市融合的意义与价值。Taking two cities, Beijing and Jinjiang, as examples, this chapter aims to prove the meaning and value of integration of CSP.

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美国加利福尼亚州旧金山市与周围的中小城市有机的结合,共同形成了旧金山大都市区域。The Bay area, with SF . as center city has become a metropolitan city area, with many middle and small-size cities around it.

砖家们建议年轻人去中小城市就业固然有他们的道理,但许多时候说的容易做起来难。It makes sense for experts to suggest young people go to small or mid-sized cities. But it is always easier to say than to do.

随着中小城市建设的不断发展,基础地理信息系统建设势在必行。With the development of Middle-Small City construction, the construction of foundational GIS is imperative under the situation.