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这在累及蝶鞍的其他肿瘤中是看不到的。This is not seen in other masses involving the sella.

腰骶部的硬膜下腔是最常见的累及部位。The lumbosacral subdural space is most commonly affected.

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常常可以通过后鼻孔累及鼻咽部。It often grows through the nasal choana into the nasopharynx.

主要累及大关节,比如髋关节或膝关节。Generally, a few large joints are involved, such as hip or knee.

转移性骨肉瘤通常累及右心。Mestatatic osteosarcomas usually involve the right side of the heart.

结论CT能确定出血部位和累及范围。Conclusion CT can define the site of hemorrhage and implicative range.

病变最常累及上矢状窦和横窦。The superior sagittal sinus and transverse sinus were most frequently involved.

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剪力型损伤可累及肱骨小头,滑车或二者均有损伤。They represent shear-type injuries involving the capitellum, trochlea, or both.

我们回顾了结节病累及中枢神经系统的临床和影像学表现。We review the clinical and imaging findings of central nervous system sarcoidosis.

除此外,白塞病尚可累及消化道和神经系统等。Some patients were complicated with alimentary tract and neurologic manifestations.

宫颈癌与多发癌累及部位主要是女性生殖道,乳腺与直肠。The common sites for secdndary primaries were female genital tract, breast and rectum.

累及右心腔时可见似“拐杖头”或“蛇头”状改变。When the right heart was involved, it looked like "walking stick head" or "snakeheads".

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进而让这些女性被社会孤立和排斥,累及她们的尊严。It furthers these women’s isolation and social exclusion, and compromises their dignity.

梗死是透壁性的即累及心肌的全层。The infarction is "transmural" in that it extends through the full thickness of the wall.

注射到动眼神经核的外部累及内侧纵束和动眼神经核的少部分。Injection in exterior OMN affected little parts of medial longitudinal fasciculus and OMN.

抱歉,这种疼痛与急性胆囊炎的表现一致。黄疸说明炎症已经累及胆总管或胆总。I am sorry. This kind pain consistents with the pain of acute cholecystitis. Your jaundice.

临床常以单肢远端肌无力、萎缩为首发症状,逐渐累及其他肢体。It usually begins with one distal limb weakness and atrophy, gradually involved other limbs.

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目的探讨多发性大动脉炎累及冠状动脉的临床特点。Objective To explore the clinical features of Takayasu arteritis involving coronary arteries.

鉴于公债收益率的上涨风险,股市前景已经急剧恶化.如果欧元区南部国家的政府公债收益率上升,显示出累及英国公债和美国公债收益率的迹象,那麽股市可能失去动能并强烈修正.The prospects for equities have deteriorated abruptly, given the upward risks to bond yields.

随访2年,患者皮损进展缓慢,其他系统未累及。During 2 year follow-up, the skin lesion progressed slowly with no other systemic involvement.