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能见度怎样?How is visibility?

能见度几乎为零。Visibility was practically zero.

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玻璃镜拥有最好的能见度。Glass lenses have the best visual quality.

轻低能见度的反光元素。Reflective elements for low-light visibility.

那么假如你根本在网上还没有什么能见度呢?And what if you don’t have any visibility yet?

有些陶艺家因此会得到更好的能见度。Some ceramists would deserve a better visibility.

由于大雾,能见度遽烈的减低。Because of the fog, visibility was drastically reduced.

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天气晴朗时分,千岛湖湖水的能见度可达到12米。The visibility in this area is up to 12 meters deep in sunny days.

反光详细说明允许在弱光条件下的能见度。Reflective detailing allows for visibility in low-light conditions.

雪和雾造成司机们的能见度降低,所以官员发出了警告。Snow and fog, made it hard for drivers to see, so officials put out.

泊岸地的选择取决于风速,浪潮的高低和能见度。The choice of sites depends on the wind, tidal currents and visibility.

根据规则,号灯应在什么时候被显示?从日落到日出和能见度受限时。C. From sunset to sunrise and restricted visibility D. Sunrise to sunset.

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这样的能见度对赛鸽来讲无疑是一种最大的忌讳。The visibility of racing pigeons undoubtedly is one of the biggest taboo.

汽车的玻璃上结了严严实实的一层冰,能见度几乎等于零。Ice packed up against the car glasses,and the visibility was just about nil.

报导说,大雾和能见度很低延长了这次冲突的时间。It reported that heavy fog and low visibility were prolonging the encounter.

能见度小于1000米,局部地区能见度不到200米。Visibility will be less than 1, 000 meters and less than 200 m in some areas.

这架飞机可能是试图一展身手,在能见度低的周围,官员说。The plane may have been attempting a go-around in poor visibility, officials said.

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设备上有个全LED蓝光灯,增大长距离下的能见度。An all-LED blue light is housed in the device, offering visibility at long distances.

季风时节,当能见度只有60米时,整个海面是雾蒙蒙的一片。During monsoon time, when visibility is often reduced to 60m, the sea is usually rough.

但是由于能见度不好,只好改变计划。伊拉克领导人来到胜利营会晤奥巴马。But poor visibility changed those plans. The Iraqi leaders went to Camp Victory instead.