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其实和薄利多销是一个道理。In fact small profits is a truth.

薄利多销〔商店广告用语〕。Advertisement helps to sell goods.

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毕竟薄利多销才好啊。Well, after all, only small profits.

以致形成良性循环,薄利多销,向规模要效益。So a benign cycle, makes, the scale benefits.

第一个理念是电脑技术可以成为薄利多销的生意。The first was that computing could be a high-volume, low-margin business.

“低成本”追求的是大众化的“薄利多销”。Low cost " of pursuit is in a popular style " small profits but quick turnover ".

薄利多销做生意,适合消费者的心理。Doing Business for a quick return and a small margin fits the psychology of consumers.

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根据我的经验,只要把售价利润降低自然就薄利多销。Well, it's been my experience that decreasing your mark-up will increase your turnover rate.

我们的服务宗旨是以诚信为本,创新求实,薄利多销。Our service philosophy is honesty, truth-seeking innovative, small profits but quick turnover.

以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。Operating characteristics of a multi-species and the principle of small profits, win the trust of our customers.

他没办法控制那些固定成本,所以他在尝试走薄利多销这条路。He can't do anything about the increase in his fixed costs, so he is trying to make up for smaller margins with greater volume.

瑞安市利鹏异型冲压件厂实力雄厚,重信用、守合同、保证产品质量,以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。In the principle of handling multiple variety of products and pursuing small profits but quick turnover, we win the trust from our clients.

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吴炜峰个体晶荣商行实力雄厚,重信誉,守合同,保证产品质量,以薄利多销的原则立足市场。Jing-Rong Wu Wei Feng individual firm strength, reputation and keep the contract, to ensure product quality, small profits based on market principles.

我们重信用、守合同、保证产品质量,以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。We re-credit, keep the contract, to ensure product quality, variety principles of operating characteristics and puerile, and win the trust of our customers.

这家商店“薄利多销”的经营策略赢得了广大顾客的信任,同时也给自己带来了超值效益。The policy of "small profits But quick turnover"adopted By this shop has enaBled it to the trust of numerous customers and meanwhile derived Benefit aBove cost.

薄利多销的定价策略不仅能使企业获得竞争优势,又可在赢利的同时提升企业形象,增加无形资产。The SPQR strategy not only adds up to the company's competitiveness, but also enhance the image of the company while making profits, to increase intangible assets.

公司以提高综合服务质量为先,通过薄利多销的诚信经营,以降低您企业的物流成本为宗旨,。Companies to improve the overall quality of service first, through the puerile, the integrity of management, in order to reduce logistics cost your business purpose.

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本厂以实力雄厚,重信用、守合同、保证产品质量,以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。Factory strength, credit, keep the contract, to ensure product quality, variety principles of operating characteristics and puerile, and win the trust of our customers.

本网站坚持走薄利多销的路线,诚信经营,长期合作,不会有意定高价格再来打折。This site adhere to the line of small profits but quick turnover, integrity management, long-term cooperation and would not deliberately set a high price then discount.

经销的产品价格种类繁多,款式齐全,价格合理,保证产品价格质量,以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。With a wide range of products, complete models, reasonable prices and high quality, it has won the trust of customers under the principles of various categories and low price.