Please help us improve the quality of example sentences! Edit on Github

可以做的就是你这句话是病句…If you english is very good , What can you do?

我操,这个句子是病句,不给力啊。I speak, this sentence is wrong sentences, not to force ah.

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目前的诗坛实际上就是病句诗与薛蟠体的较量。Faulty sentence poetry and Xue pan style are having a contest at present.

它们是要求我们改正的英语病句的例子。These were examples of faulty English that we were called upon to correct.

如果有语法错误,请不要介意,或者帮忙修改病句。If I have wrong grammar pls don't mind or help me to revision defective sentences.

如果我的来信有一些错词病句请帮忙纠正。If my little bit wrong incoming letter word disease sentence invites help correct that.

汗死,这是个病句。你属于我就象我属于你,如果你还不满足,告诉我我该怎么办。You belong to me like i belong to you, if you're not satisfied tell me what i gotta do ?

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生命是充满遗憾的篇章,因为她没有机会让你修改病句。Life is full of regret, because she didn't have a chance to let you modify pragmatically.

为此,首先要在理论上对病句建立新的认识。Therefore, a new understanding to incorrect sentences depending on linguistics is needed.

从学生作文及日语国际水平测试答卷出现的错误中,选出有关程度副词的若干典型病句。Faulty sentences about degree adverbs are chosen from students' compositions and international Japanese proficiency tests.

另一方面,我们还是积极提倡通过提高语言使用者的语言能力,达到减少病句的目的。On the other hand, we call for the improvement of linguistic ability of language user so as to reduce incorrect sentences.

今天太痛苦了,因为我发现这种软件翻译的出来的全是病句,还得痛苦翻译啊!Today too painful, because I found out that the translation of the entire software is Binggou , also suffering translation!

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实践上,胡赛尼的英文称得上流利,但词汇窘蹙,句子简单,以至不时呈现病句。In fact, Hosseini called fluent in English, but poor vocabulary, simple sentences, or even wrong sentences from time to time.

运用现代汉语语法、修辞和逻辑知识对医学论文中一些典型病句进行分类辨析,并加以修改。Some typical wrong sentences in medical papers are analyzed and corrected by using modern Chinese grammar, rhetoric and logic knowledge.

“带来了深刻的变革”与“带来了前所未有的问题”是什么关系?病句也。改一下。The information age has brought about profound changes in financial accounting work, making the building-up of the internal accountancy control system in an entity an unprecedented difficult task.