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你吃油酥点心吃得太多了。You eat too much pastry.

母亲把油酥面中的一些团块拍平。Mother patted down some lumps in the pastry.

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你吃油酥点心吃得太多了。You eat too much pastry, ie food made with pastry.

把油酥面卷一圈,再用200度的大火烘焙。Roll the pastry a bit and heat the stove to 200 degrees.

取一张擀得很薄的油酥面皮,上面刷上一层熔化的牛油。Take a sheet of filo pastry and brush it with melted butter.

我做饭做的和她一样好,就是不会做油酥馅饼。I'm as good a cook as she is except when it comes to making pastry.

正如包裹着漂漂亮亮的烘烤而制成的空心油酥点心-泡芙。It's a puff piece wrapped in beautifully baked fantasy-land pastry.

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在等油酥糕饼凉的时候,可以把这些面团擀薄些。These doughs can be rolled out while you wait for the pastry to chill.

他先将奶油酥空壳缝合在一起,但是做出来的裙子跨掉了。At first, he sewed empty cream puffs together, but the dress collapsed.

在放进烤箱前,他往肉里加了些蘑菇,然后又盖上一层油酥面包皮。He added a few mushrooms to the meat before baking under a pastry crust.

像做油酥面团那样用指尖把脂油和面粉揉搓到一起。The fat and flour are rubbed together with the fingertips as for pastry.

这是一种油酥饼干,面饼中混合了白或者桃红葡萄酒和香草糖。It is a shortbread biscuit made from white or rosé wine and vanilla sugar.

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如果饼皮开裂,就用生的油酥面团填平。If any cracks have appeared in the tart case, fill these in with raw pastry.

将油酥面团小心地移至烤盘的各角,注意不要把它拉长。Ease the pastry into the corners of the tin, making sure you don't stretch it.

猪肉派、油酥点心和肉肠和土豆泥-你想来点英国的浓厚食物吗?Pork pies, pasties and bangers and mash. Do you fancy some stodgy British food?

不要吃太多浓酱汁、油炸食品和甜腻的油酥点心,因为这些食品的脂肪含量很高。Don't indulge in rich sauces, fried food and thick pastry as these are high in fat.

美味的油酥点心或一块巧克力蛋糕在喝咖啡时也是必不可少的。The coffee ritual is incomplete without a delicious pastry or a slice of chocolate cake.

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所有你需要的只是,一个油酥松饼,蛋,和肉豆蔻洒。All you need is a shortcrust pastry, a well made egg custard, and a sprinkling of nutmeg.

二人用奶油酥和糖果制作了两英尺长、产自上世纪20年代的卡迪拉克轿车,并因此获得大赛第3名。They made a 2-foot-long 1920s-era Cadillac from cream puffs and caramel, and took third place.

为了做美味的油酥点心,就需要黄油、上等面粉和德梅拉拉沙糖。Want to make good pastry, butter, best flour, Demerara sugar, or they'd taste it with the hot tea.