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正义需要反思。Justice requires reflection.

反思我们过去的流血牺牲?All the blood we've shed before?

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阿桑奇却荣辱兼具,需要反思这个问题。Assange needs to reflect on this.

不过,我正在反思这种策略。However, I’m rethinking that strategy.

我很欣赏你的自我反思。I appreciate your self-reflectiveness.

这是最值得反思的地方。This is the most worthy of reflection.

这就是笛卡尔沉思或者叫反思之思。This is the Cartesian or reflective cogito.

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宴毕后,在归途中,我反思刚才老李那一番话。On my way home, I pondered what Li had said.

这种观点值得反思。But this viewpoint is worth being criticized.

会反思的战士有一种悲剧敏感性。Reflective warriors have a tragic sensibility.

这一历史教训值得我们深刻反思。The historical lesson deserves our reflection.

柏克→法国大革命反思。Burke. Reflections on the Revolution in France.

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日本应铭记历史,深刻反思。Japan should remember and reflect upon history.

然而,该项声明是值得反思的。Still, the announcement is worth reflecting on.

我们需要反思发展观。We need to think differently about development.

第六部分对红光事件进行了反思。Section 6 is a reflection on the case of Hongguang.

这些失败者的教训值得所有媒体反思。The lessons of these losers deserve our reflection.

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要学会自我反思,试着换位思考。Learn to self-reflection, try the perspective-taking.

该片使每个中国人作深刻的反思。This film will make every Chinese rethink profoundly.

在牛津,我可以对美国黑人进行反思。At oxford , I could reflect on the American black man.