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他的回答文不对题。?。His answer is beside the mark. ?

他对园艺的一席话简直是文不对题。His remarks about gardening were hardly to the purpose.

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你说的也许很对,可是文不对题。What you said may be true enough,but it is beside the point.

“拿经济法则说笑话很便当,但是文不对题,”波茨微笑著说。"Making jokes about economic laws is easy but irrelevant. " Bozey smiled.

“拿经济法则说笑话很便当,但是文不对题,”波茨微笑着说。"Making jokes about economic laws is easy, but irrelevant . " Bozey smiled.

但是这些数字却是不真实的,因为这些论文或专利大部分是剽窃而来或是文不对题。But these numbers are deceptive, as the patents and papers are largely plagiarized or irrelevant.

经理人需要反馈,即使这些反馈意见失之偏颇、粗鲁无礼、风马牛不相及或文不对题,而且大部分时候的确如此。Managers need feedback, even if it's biased, rude, off the mark, or irrelevant—and much of it is.

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可能有点文不对题,但至少不会是鸡肋,让大家看了后还是有一点帮助。May be a bit irrelevant, but at least will not be the chicken, so that after reading everyone still has a little help.

苏联政策背后的民族主义和意识形态的这些经久不衰的动力,使西方大量辩论显得更加文不对题。These durable impulses of nationalism and ideology that lie behind Soviet policy emphasize the irrelevance of much West debate.

我反对所有使用这类文不对题的特定历史标签的做法,不管是极权主义,还是法西斯主义。I am against all this use of historically specific labels stripped out of their context, whether it's totalitarianism or fascism.

2010年世博会开幕在即,面对即将到来的众多游客,上海不想因那些文不对题的翻译和错误用语而影响城市形象。Shanghai does not want to lose face over the mistranslations and mistakes when thousands of visitors arrive for the World Expo next year.

苏联政策背后的民族主义和意识形态的这些经久不衰的动力,使西方大量辩论显得更加文不对题。The ideology and practice of the Nazis, especially the policy of racist nationalism, national expansion, and state control of the economy.

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也就是说,这简直像一部无声电影,因为大多的对话都好似鸡同鸭讲,文不对题,而憨豆正好结结巴巴地从文题之间勉强跌撞而过。In other words, it's almost like a silent movie, as most of the dialog completely misses its destination, while Bean stumbles right through the middle.

但也有同学认为于丹的此次讲座文不对题,没有讲清楚传统国学与现代传媒之关系,如三国演义。But there are also students that the lectures on Dan's irrelevant, did not make it clear Guoxue traditional and modern media, such as Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

杨认为,裴对中国列宁主义政党固有的腐败及不适应的担忧至少是夸大了,从最坏处讲是文不对题。Yang argues that Pei’s concerns over the endemic corruption and maladaptation of China’s Leninist polity are at the very least exaggerated, and at worst entirely misplaced.

如果后来你发现你的回答与面试官的观点文不对题,不要试图改正它,只要微笑一下,然后圆滑地过渡到下一个主题。If you find out that your answer is not in line with the interviewer's opinion later. Don't try to correct it. Just smile and move on to other subjects smoothly and quickly.

对艺术原本有兴趣的学生,选了课,要学这门勉强掉架的专业,却发现自己面对的是一堆令人困惑、文不对题的文献。And students with a primary interest in art who may have registered for courses in this condescendingly tolerated specialty found themselves confronting a perplexingly irrelevant literature.