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这场是开卷考。It's an open-book exam.

那是开卷考试吗?Is it an open book exam?

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原来这是开卷考试。It was an open-note test.

好,考试是开卷的。OK, the quizzes are open book.

因此考试是开卷的。So they're open note, open book.

也叫做“开卷式”定价。Also known as "open-book" pricing.

能问个问题吗?我们是开卷考还是闭卷?Tell me your name, or I can't answer you.

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但开卷真的有益吗?But is it really helpful to read all books?

所以开卷未必有益。So it's not definitely helpful to open all books.

是开卷的,就和小测验一样。Final will be open book, open notes, just like the quizzes.

这是开卷考试,你们不用太过担心。This is an open-book exam, you don't have to worry too much.

如果你参加的是一场开卷考试,那么你会忘了带你的书。If you are given an open-book exam, you will forget you book.

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如果让你开卷考试,你会忘了带书。If you are given an open-book exam, you will forget your book.

以开卷机为例对自学习式成本估算法进行验算。Coiler cost estimate is performed through self-learning method.

考试是开卷考试,由若干选择题组成。The exam is open book and consists of multiple choice questions.

好书开卷引人入胜,闭卷使人受益。It is a good book opened with expectation and closed with profit.

每周五我们都会依据本周所学进行一次开卷测试。Every Friday will be an open-book test on the work done for the week.

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托盘开卷机是从托盘退卷的理想选择。The PHM-1400 pallet decoiler is ideal for unwinding coils from pallets.

我听说是开卷考试。我觉得我喜欢这个教授。I hear it will be an open-book test! I think I like this Prof. after all.

而有些课的考试只允许带一张纸开卷,Whereas in other classes you might be allowed to bring one sheet of paper,