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他倾心付出他的一切来踢球。He played his heart out.

当我遇见她,我就对她倾心不已。When I meet her, I had the hots for her.

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他的谦逊无疑使民众倾心。His modesty certainly appealed to the public.

这是会让女士们一闻倾心的香水。It's the thing that would take a lady's fancy.

她心醉了,为这头傲气的黄色公牛而倾心。She fell in love with him, to the yellow bull.

布莱德。彼特是令许多年轻女性倾心的男子。Brad Pitt is a heartthrob for many young women.

你的头发才是让我倾心的原因,伊奥迦南。It is of thy hair that I am enamoured Iokanaan.

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倘若赫斯渥有什么可倾心的,那就是倾心名流。If Hurstwood had one leaning, it was toward notabilities.

他们彼此倾心,三个月后便走了一起。They liked each other and got together after three months.

总有人倾心于那塞纳河畔中源远流淌的浪漫人文风情。There is always someone indulging in the romance of River Seine.

假如你一定要倾心于我,你的生活就会充满忧虑。YOUR days will be full of cares, if you must give me your heart.

在这次倾心交谈之后,他们加深了对对方的理解。After the heart-to-heart talk, they understand each other better.

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假如你一定要倾心于我,请不要把它时刻记在心头。Do not always keep remembering it, if you must give me your heart.

万王之王带来救恩,应当倾心接待祂。The king of kings salvation brings, let loving hearts enthrone Him.

豫让是史公倾心描绘的悲剧人物形象。Yu Rang was the tragic figure contributively depicted by Si Maqian.

我倾心于他,不仅仅因为他是个男人,而且还因为他是个父亲。I sometimes think I fell for him not just as a man, but as a father.

有生之年,只诉温暖不言殇,倾心相遇,安暖相陪。Lifetime, v. warmth not only ruin, fall in love meet, warm with Ann.

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主啊!我要向你倾心吐意,愿我清晨的祈祷达到你面前。Lord! I will confide to you. May my morning prayers reach your face.

他喜爱所有浪漫派乐曲,尤其倾心于拉赫曼尼诺夫的作品。He is fond of all the romantics and especially devoted to Rachmaninoff.

假如你一定要倾心于我,我决不会用我的心来回报。I shall never be made to answer for it, if you must give me your heart.