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各行各业都欣欣向荣。Every trade is thriving.

骄春花盛放,欣欣向荣。The Spring flowers are blooming.

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一派欣欣向荣的景象展现在我们面前。A scene of prosperity spreads out before us.

蒂莉在这个欣欣向荣丰富环境。Tillie is thriving in this enriched environment.

拿布萨阿索来说,这里曾经是亚丁湾上一个欣欣向荣的港口小镇。Take Boosaaso, once a thriving port town on the Gulf of Aden.

整个骨架都有如一个如同沙漠般广袤巨大、欣欣向荣的绿洲。The skeleton was a thriving oasis in a vast, desertlike expanse.

但事实上,如同女性时装,云也是一门欣欣向荣的行当。But the cloud, like women's fashion, is in fact a thriving business.

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伦敦20世纪80年代末,地产业欣欣向荣,看这里The London boom of the late 1980s is really something--look at that.

今日之中国,政通人和,欣欣向荣。Today, China is thriving with a good government and a united people.

被滋养的状态,欣欣向荣,繁荣兴旺,具足和完全。A well-nourished condition, thriving, prosperous, full, and complete.

迪洛矮人社区欣欣向荣的地区还种植有大量蘑菇和其他的真菌。Derro communities also thrive in areas that grow mushrooms and other fungi.

这使工党想呈现给选民一个欣欣向荣的经济的希望破灭。This dented Labour’s hopes to present a reviving economy to the electorate.

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展览会展示了中国经济一片欣欣向荣的景象。The exhibition presented a picture of general prosperity in China's economy.

树木啁欣欣向荣,泉水啊涓涓始流。The tree grows luxuriantly flourishing, the fountain trickle starts to flow.

在美国其他地方,你是否也曾听到过欣欣向荣的舞蹈音乐在葬礼上演奏?Where else in America do you have exuberant dance music played at a funeral?

我们需要,世界也需要,一个欣欣向荣而非苟活于世的美国。We need, and the world needs, an America that is thriving not just surviving.

在中国人希望保持青春的愿望推动下,染发业在中国欣欣向荣。Driven by the desire for youthfulness, the Chinese are powering hair-dye sales.

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我引以自傲的是,祖国源远流长,迄今犹自欣欣向荣的文明。I am proud of the deep and continuous developing civilization of my mother country.

在它们林荫的庇护下,橡树、枫树、菩提树、榆树和云杉也都欣欣向荣。Under the canopy of the pioneering trees oak maple linden elm and spruce regenerate.

与国内消费的欣欣向荣相对应的是中国出口导向型企业的四面楚歌。As domestic consumption booms, China's export-oriented manufacturers are under siege.