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我们很意外。So were we.

能让我意外的东西。Come on, surprise me.

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他们意外获得的发现呢?Their bonus discovery?

它可能是个意外。It could be accidental.

意外碰到了比尔·莫瑞。Met up with Bill Murray.

不,那并没让我感到意外。No they didn't surprise me.

但是后来我们遇到了意外。But then we had the accident.

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我昨天意外地遇到了她。I fell in upon her yesterday.

你好,对你的意外深表抱歉。Aloha. Sorry about your brain.

抱歉易希有点小意外!Sorry , Izzy. Little accident.

我们以为那是一场意外之财。We thought they were a windfall.

看到你在这里,真让人意外。What a surprise to see you here.

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他意外走火打中了自己的脚。He accidentally trod on her foot.

她意外地抹去了录了音的磁带。She accidentally erased the tape.

除非发生意外,我们会去那儿的。Barring accidents, we'll be there.

他的供词使大家都感到意外。His confession surprised everyone.

我的童年是在单调乏味、毫无意外的日子中度过的。I lived a surprise-free childhood.

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我会冷漠于意外的赏赉?In unexpected largesse? am I cold.

那是个让人意外的结果That's a pretty surprising result.

好样的家伙,我对此并不意外。“”As a lad, I haven't been surprised.