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如血般的鲜红喧染了年少的心。Bloody red noise with the young heart.

她扎头发用的鲜红,鲜红的丝带。Scarlet, Scarlet Ribbons for her hair.

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上面的家具色彩鲜红,富有光泽。The furniture on it is glossy vermilion.

鲜红渗涌而出,溅洒大地。The blood stream leaves, splashes on the earth.

鲜红是屋子里的主色调…Bright red is the predominant color in the room.

倘是雌的,就有石榴于一般鲜红的子。She was coloured like a pomegranate for richness.

从各个方向,风带来鲜红的花瓣,把它吹向湖面。Winds bring petals of cherry Into the grebe lake.

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她的嘴唇鲜红欲滴,牙齿细致洁白。She had beautiful, ruby lips and nice, white teeth.

鲜红旗帜,高高飘扬,继往开来,神圣集结。Bright red flags, flying high, abroad, sacred rally.

他用一些鲜红的窗帘将房间装饰得更具生气。He jazzed up the room with some bright red curtains.

灰蒙蒙的天空,考试上鲜红的数字,清冷的风。A grey sky, the test on the red Numbers, chilly wind.

鲜红旗帜,高高飘扬,继往开来,神圣集结。Red flag, fluttering, and future, the sacred assembly.

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她鲜红的帽子调和了她衣服的素净颜色。Her bright red hat killed the quiet colour of her dress.

莫里斯说,吃蘸酱墨西哥煎玉米卷让小鸡的鸡冠变得油亮鲜红。Morris said taco sauce makes her comb light up bright red.

莉莎特的鲜红的大嘴露出了一副极为诱人的微笑。Lisette 's large red mouth broke into a most alluring smile.

番茄藤已变黑,颗颗鲜红的番茄裂纹绽开。The tomato vines had blackened and the red globes had burst.

果皮鲜红,皮薄,皮上裂片无峰尖,营养丰富。The peel is bright red and thin, of which the lobes are even.

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倘是雌的,就有石榴于一般鲜红的子。If it is a female, it will have seeds as red as a pomegranate.

在鲜红的西红柿上加入原个鸡蛋和自制调味粉的双重美味。Mix of pan cooked fresh chopped tomatoes and eggs with spices.

矫艳的紫罗兰,鲜红的玫瑰,甜蜜的糖,就想你一样美。Rose are red, violets are buie, sugar is sweet, and so are you.