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他是位有口皆碑的好老师。He is, by all accounts, a superb teacher.

我们公司有口皆碑且信用可靠。Our company is well-established and reliable.

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这家公司有口皆碑并值得信赖。This company is well-eatablished and reliable.

这家公司有口皆碑而且可靠。This company is well-established and reliable.

自那时起,她的才能有口皆碑,业务扩大很快。From there, word spread of her skills and business grew rapidly.

这是在欧洲有口皆碑的美国早期诗歌之一。This is one of the first american poems to be widely praised in europe.

我们公司生产的产品在质量上是有口皆碑的。In terms of quality the goods produced by our trust are universally acclaimed.

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在张槎针织城我们厂的质量和服务是有口皆碑的。We Zhangcha knitting factory in the city of quality and service are legendary.

保山的甘蔗、烟叶、茶叶和小粒咖啡有口皆碑。Baoshan is famous for such produce as sugarcane, tobacco, tea and fine grain coffee.

瑞爱船用家具造形大气,细节精致,在业内有口皆碑。Ruiai's marine furniture is with grandiosity sculpt, delicacy detail, andwiagoodpublic praise.

我们曾有过灿烂辉煌的汉唐盛世,四大发明更是有口皆碑。We had a brilliant prosperity of the Han and Tang Dynasties, the four great inventions are legendary.

通过多年创新实践,因业绩辉煌而成为同行业的巨擘,有口皆碑!Through years of innovation practice, due to become a brilliant performance with the industry giant, legendary!

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这座岛在火烈鸟移民团体中有口皆碑,不久“人口”爆满超过了小岛的供房能力。Word spread in the migrating flamingo community, however, and the island's popularity overtook its housing capacity.

瑞典制造的轿车在世界上最为有口皆碑的是其超群的安全性能,萨博也不例外。Sweden cars are extremely prestigious and reliable in the world for its preeminent safety performance, including SAAB.

专业的高品质陶瓷釉料生产商,产品品质与稳定性有口皆碑!We are a professional manufacturer of high quality ceramic glazes, our quality and stability wins universal praise all along.

他的选择是发自内心的,因为他拒绝了很多其他球队的邀请,而同时米兰对于忠心球员的回报也是有口皆碑的。His choice came from the heart since he had many offers to evaluate, and it is renown that Milan usually reward the choices of the heart.

BOBO组合是内地少见的偶像男子组合,帅气的外表和出众的才华,使他们成为有口皆碑的新时代偶像。BOBO combination is rare combination of mainland of handsome men, images and outstanding talent, so that they will become a new era of virtue.

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贵公司产品的质量和职工的敬业精神一向是有口皆碑的,因此我很希望有机会为贵公司尽绵薄之力。Your organization has a reputation for professionalism and quality work, and I would truly appreciate an opportunity to contribute to your team.

榜鹅区过去是有口皆碑的农村区域,农舍及农田星罗棋盘地被分布在道路和脏土泥路上。The Punggol area used to be a well-established rural district dotted with farmhouses and farm structures which were serviced by roads and dirt tracks.

有实力、有耐力、真本事才是硬道理,软膜天花吊顶是有口皆碑的好材料,过多的吹捧不如群众的眼睛来的实际。Strength, endurance, real skill is the hard truth, piamater ceiling is a good material for legendary, actual too much touted as the eyes of the masses.