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从未有人来认领这笔赏金。The reward has never been claimed.

感谢捉拿狼群和小狼的赏金。Thanks for bounties on wolves and coyotes.

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中禅寺湖的赏金,日光,日本。The bounty of Lake Chuzenji, Nikko, Japan.

登加成了一名独立赏金猎人。Dengar became an independent bounty hunter.

我靠体育奖赏金上的大学。I attended college on a athletic scholarship.

我靠体育奖赏金上的大学。I attended college on an athletic scholarship.

吾名多米诺·哈维,赏金猎人。My name is Domino Harvey -- I’m a bounty hunter.

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这就是做为一名赏金猎人内森·德雷克的生活。That's life when you're Nathan Drake, artifact hunter.

尽管副主编保罗更喜欢“赏金熊”。Although Associate Editor Paul prefers the Bounty Bear.

他给拾得他手表的那个男孩赏金5英镑。He gave the boy a reward of £5 for finding his lost watch.

然而印度人为了赏金反而开始养殖眼镜蛇。However, the Indians began to breed cobras for the income.

西部电影的主要角色是牛仔和赏金杀手。Cowboys and gunslingers play prominent roles in Western movies.

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在一次悲剧性的任务中,哈尔·霍恩被赏金猎人博斯克杀害。On one tragic mission, Hal Horn was killed by bounty hunter Bossk.

据三花自称,那五千元的赏金她也未捞到手。Third Blossom, so she said, did not get the five thousand dollars.

如果你有勇气,你会要求赏金的人与自然的。If you have courage, you will claim the bounties of man and nature.

索取,支付或收受贿赂,赏金或回扣。Solicitation, payment or receipt of bribes, gratuities or kickbacks.

奥拉成为一个独立的赏金猎人,专职于猎杀绝地。Aurra became an independent bounty hunter specializing in Jedi hunts.

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其中一个在曼特尔兵站的交锋中几乎得到汉头上的赏金。One nearly bagged the price on Han's head in a run-in on Ord Mantell.

为了把人们的注意力从这个阴谋上引开,IG-88B成为一名赏金猎人。To draw attention away from this plot, IG-88B became a bounty hunter.

其中一个赏金猎人波巴·费特最终在贝斯平的云城抓住了索洛。One of them, Boba Fett, eventually captured Solo at Bespin's Cloud City.