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希望在那里获得到安南的通路。He hoped to obtain a passage to Annam.

这条通路由磷酸化来控制。This pathway operates by phosphorylation.

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以TGF信号通路为靶点的治疗。TGF signaling pathway as a target of treatment.

警察在人群中辟开一条通路。The officers forced a passage through the crowd.

到镇上唯一的通路是经过那座桥。The only access to the town is across the bridge.

漏泄通路是限制绝缘电阻的主要因素。Leakage paths are the primary factor in limiting IR.

长期借贷市场仍然通路不畅。Longer-term borrowing markets are still mostly shut.

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梅森意识到他的网络通路不能正常工作。Mason realizes that his network access does not work.

隘口,两个山峰间的通路或者山脊上的裂口。A pass between two mountain peaks or a gap in a ridge.

可以认为一个存贮器系统有四个通路。A memory system can be considered as having four ports.

模型机的数据通路框图如下图所示。The model data path diagram as shown in the diagram below.

亚伯拉罕的军队在太空船发射降落场的通路前进。Abraham blocks the advance at the gateway to the Spaceport.

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几个世纪以来,多瑙河是欧洲最伟大的通路。For centuries, the danube was the greatest route in europe.

到那栋修建的独一通路是沿着那条泥泞的路走。The only access to that building is along that muddy track.

因此,本文对致病真菌凋亡通路做一综述。This paper reviews the apoptotic pathways of Pathogenic fungi.

即使在一个周日的下午,工人也在平整通路。Even on a Sunday afternoon, crews were leveling an access road.

男按摩师和女按摩师在人群中挤出一条通路。The masseur and the masseuse forced a passage through the crowd.

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不得为本工程项目搭建运料路或通路。No haul road or access route shall be constructed for the Project.

更长的大脑神经通路将带来更大的记忆储量与更深的思想。Longer brain pathways lead to larger and deeper memory hierarchies.

它们还是水份和矿质元素运输的重要通路。They are an important route for movement of water and mineral salts.