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那是一本相当浅易的书。That is a fairly easy book.

这是相当浅易的书。This is a fairly easy book.

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它是一本过于浅易的书。This is a rather easy book.

这是一本浅易的英语书。This is an easy English book.

这本书对你来说过于浅易。This book is rather easy for you.

印刷是一种最浅易的设计。Printing is the most obvious of dodges.

人类一个浅易的念头可以创作都市。其实心灵。A single idea from the human mind can hvacquire cities.

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对小孩而言这是一本相当浅易的书,你可以给你儿子买一本。This is a fairly easy book for children. You can buy one for your son.

他们用了很浅易的英语来设法使自己被理解。They managed to make themselves under- stood using very simple English.

这本书是用浅易的英语写的,所以初学者可以读懂。This book is written in such easy English that beginners can understand it.

关联的最快最浅易的步骤就是听信谣言。The quickest and simplest way to wreck any relationship is to listen to gossip.

早期的诗歌风格,较多继承了白居易诗歌浅易晓畅的一面,形成了清新平易的诗风。His early poetry style, has inherited Bai Juyi's, and formed the simplicity poetic style.

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这些图固然浅易,但是却确凿注明了一个发人沉思的社会现象。Simple since pictures are and they do demonstrhad certain thought-provoking sociing phenomenon.

然而,那时我对韩国的了解仅是局限于像流行音乐这样比较浅易的内容。However, my understanding of Korea of that time only limited at more elementary contents as the pop music.

早期诗风是显浅易懂的通俗化,后期诗风则是使事用典的雅化。The poem style in the early period is popularization and that of the late stage is the elegance with literary quotations.

具备浅易文言文的阅读能力是对高中生的一个要求。It is a requirement that the senior middle school should have the ability to read some easy writings of Classical Chinese.

本文仅就这种材料的铁电畴结构作了些浅易的分析,以期引起研究者注意。The paper is a simple analysis of the ferroelectric domain structure of this material so as to arouse researchers' interest.

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记得我上学时,老师指定的英文暑假作业之一,便是阅读一些用较为浅易的英文改写成的西洋文学名著。When I was in middle school, my English summer vacation works is to read some easier English Western literature famous work.

卢比奥的背叛对付森林狼来说是一件极度倒霉的事,但是这犹如让上面两个赛季变得浅易起来。The Ricky Rubio defection was unfortunate for the Timberwolves, but it actually makes life a little bit easier for the next two seasons.

在情境线索充分下,能读懂浅易的字汇和简单的句子,并瞭解已习得文字所代表的意义。Provided with sufficient context, children can read simple words and sentences and fully understand the meaning of words already learned.