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他们明目张胆地篡改马克思主义。They openly revised Marxism.

你怎么能对这可怜的孩子这么明目张胆地撒谎?How can you lie so glaringly to the poor child?

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对这种明目张胆的入侵感到怒不可遏。Resentment flared at such an unmannered intrusion.

政府终于明目张胆地“救市”了!The government "rescued the city" finally flagrantly !

戈尔兹竟然和法西斯分子这样明目张胆地勾勾搭搭。Golz should be in such obvious communication with the fascists.

最明目张胆的藐视法律行径要算闯红灯了。The most flagrant scofflaw of them all is the red-light runner.

Sally外表漂亮却十分肤浅,她总是明目张胆地要勾引明。A beautiful but shallow woman, she flirts outrageously with Ming.

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我从来没有见过这种明目张胆践踏人权法案的现象。I have never encountered such blat disregard for the Bill of Rights.

奥巴马是有史以来最虚伪的伪君子。是的,我就是想明目张胆的说出这些话。Obama is the biggest hypocrite POTUS we've ever had. I mean blatant!

至少依据这个指标观察,股票不再被明目张胆地高估了。At least by this one measure, stocks are no longer blatantly overvalued.

竟然还如同没事人一样,明目张胆把它当成商品,公然售卖。Surprising, as nothing like everyone else, as it flagrantly goods openly sold.

他们明目张胆地对我国不断发动武装入侵。They openly and wantonly carried out repeated armed intrusions into our country.

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但是德国民众仍然瞠目结舌于他最后行为的明目张胆与玩世不恭。But the German public was still shocked by the blatant cynicism of his final act.

有些人戴着帽兜和围巾掩盖面部,但另一些人则明目张胆地走进去。Some wore hoods up and scarves to mask their faces but others brazenly walked in.

当然咯,还要软的好,明目张胆的发链接,你会死翘翘的。Of course slightly, but also a good soft, blatant fat link, you will be dead in the.

我们从生到死,都在秘密地或处心积虑地,甚至明目张胆地追求快感。From childhood until death we are secretly, cunningly or obviously pursuing pleasure.

他的言论有时明目张胆,有时暗示,通常令人很尴尬。His comments were sometimes blatant, sometimes suggestive, and generally embarrassing.

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我们坚决反对这种明目张胆滥用优势地位乱收的违法行为。This cannot be tolerated by law. We firmly oppose such illegal and power-abusing action.

对于这些明目张胆、超限运输的车辆,照理说“应当严惩”。For these flagrant, transfinite transport vehicles, seem to say "should be severely punished."

珍珠告诉可汗,巴旦目等人如此明目张胆地行刺,表示这些人是不达目的誓不罢休的,所以他们肯定还有后手。While the leaf support suddenly pointing to Shen Zhenzhu to Khan said loudly, she is not by people.