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我们有香皂和不加香水的肥皂。We have perfumed and unscented soap.

这种美容香皂泡沫很多。The beauty soap lathers up very well.

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送给他一个香皂店的卡片作为礼物。Give her a gift card to a fancy soap store.

浴室里没有香皂和洗发剂。There were no shampoo or soap in the bathroom.

所有事物平等,胖人用更多的香皂。All things being equal, fat people use more soap.

他们希望推广这种新型香皂的应用。They hope to generalize the use of this new soap.

四个人当中就有三个选中“舒肤佳”牌香皂!Three out of four people choose "Safeguard" soap!

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我送书,送香皂,还送肉桂薰香蜡烛。I gave books and soaps and cinnamon-scented candles.

宝宝香皂、宝宝浴液、宝宝洗发香波和宝宝油。Baby soap, baby lotion, baby hair shampoo and baby oil.

很有可能,不久有一套加了香味的香皂和其他卫生用品随后面世。And a set of soaps and other toiletries are likely to follow.

在我们家就成了用香皂玻璃杯喝,只是没那么好喝。Well, in our house it's like that with soap, only less tasty.

长方形的形式使小香皂或肥皂的大砖。The forms make small rectangular soaps or large bricks of soap.

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这些都很不错而且可能是你能找到的最佳抗痘香皂。They are good and may be the best acne soaps that you can find.

为了证明自己这套理论,他经常不洗澡或不用香皂。To prove his theory, he regularly didn't shower or use deodorant.

在客厅里,他的习惯就成了把香皂抹在玻璃杯的边缘上。Downstairs, he has taken to rubbing soap on to the rims of tumblers.

香袋产品,包装产品,薄脆饼,面包,香皂,坟香。Sachet product, packing product, Wafer, Bread, Soap, Mosquito Coils.

洗发水、香皂或洗衣粉之类的东西,买家庭装。For things like shampoo, soap or washing powder, buy the family pack.

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同时你会需要香皂、除臭剂、毛巾和其他化妆品。You’ll also need soap and deodorant and a towel and other toiletries.

我用液体香皂把全身抹了个遍,直到我自己感觉自己像根火腿。I soaped up with the liquid hand soap until I felt as glazed as a ham.

象牙香皂在水中漂浮的这种品质对孩子们尤具吸引力。The latter quality of Ivory Soap is especially attractive to children.