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锅炉启动点火煤气为焦炉煤气。COG will be used to ignite and start boiler.

提出了利用焦炉煤气生产天然气的必要性和紧迫性。It is necessary for coke oven gas making natural gas.

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对焦炉的热态修理技术进行了分析。The hot repairing technologies of coke oven are introduced.

Blog将会充满了公众写作的每一个焦炉。Blogs will fill every niche in the ecology of public writing.

焦炉煤气的安全含氧量目前存在一些异议。The safe oxygen content in coke oven gas is now controversial.

浇不足是焦炉炉门铸件常见铸造缺陷。Misrun is the common defects found in oven door castings process.

浇不足是焦炉炉门铸件常见铸造缺陷。It was analyzed that the causes of the defects of misrun in oven door.

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为实现焦炉加热优化控制提供了前提条件。It supplies condition for coke oven heating combustion optimal control.

介绍了一种多座焦炉同在一条熄焦线上的焦炉出炉计划编排方法。Introduces a method of arranging discharging plan of coke ovens on the same line.

焦炉移动机车的自动控制即“三车联锁系统”是焦化企业安全生产的重要环节。Therefore three-car interlock control is a very important part of coking production.

焦炉煤气净化工艺中的焦油分离以及焦油的加工利用一直是焦化生产领域的重大课题。The coking of tar residue blended with coal was carried out in a 20kg test coke oven.

介绍了焦炉推焦和装煤操作系统内容。This paper introduced the coke pushing and coal loading operating system in coke oven.

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机焦炉和热回收焦炉顶污染物浓度在出焦和装煤时明显升高。They were obviously increased when charging coal and pushing hot coke for HRC and BRBC.

焦炉煤气中的硫化氢是一种非常有害的物质,必须将其清除。Hydrogen sulfide in coke oven gas is a very harmful substance which must be cleared off.

介绍承钢焦化厂在实际生产中对焦炉设备高温防护采取的措施。The measures to keep temperature after heating halting in coking furnace are introduced.

介绍了本溪钢铁公司JN60-6型大容积焦炉的开工方案,详述了焦炉改为正常加热、装煤、接通集气管等操作。The start-up scheme of JN60-6 type large-volume coke oven in Benxi Iron & Steel Group Co.

未处理的焦炉气中含有硫化氢气体,它是由煤中的硫产生的。Crude coke oven gas contains hydrogen sulphide which is produced from sulphur in the coal.

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选用M701F型燃气轮机,对其燃用焦炉煤气的性能进行研究。Take M701F gas turbine for exmple, study the performance of gas turbine fired coke oven gas.

运用混杂系统的思想,针对焦炉加热过程进行混杂特性分析。The hybrid system is used to analyze the hybrid properties of the heating process in cake oven.

介绍承钢焦化厂在实际生产中对焦炉设备高温防护采取的措施。The protection measures to high temperature adopting in production of coking furnace are introduced.