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我们正处在一个毫无胜算的情形。We're in a no-win situation.

那么,约翰逊在JCPenney有多少胜算?So what are Johnson's odds at JCPenney?

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你有没有经历过一种毫无胜算的局面?Have you ever been in a no win situation?

也许你正处在一个毫无胜算的景况当中。Perhaps you’re in a ‘no win situation’ right now.

我们根本都没有机会。胜算的概率这么小。We had no chance whatsoever. Our odds were this small.

揆一这一次真的只有靠自己,毫无胜算。Coyett was now truly on his own, against impossible odds.

他们连一点胜算都没有,高塔实在太高了!Not a chance that they willsucceed. The tower is too high!

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司马平邦认为,新华社的胜算不大。The odds, Si Ma Ping Bang says, are stacked against Xinhua.

然而,寄希望于国内消费者也许是个胜算难说的赌局。Counting on Chinese consumers, however, may not be a sure bet.

奥巴马还是有足够的疑问,多到让麦凯恩还有胜算。There are still enough doubts about Obama to allow McCain to win.

我认为,贵司在这个问题上有百分之五十的胜算。I think you have fifty percent of odds-on to reach your destination.

又很多事情可以提高你对熊德德胜算。There are many things you can do to improve your success against bear form.

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如果你能算出这场风险的胜算,朕就告诉你媚娘的一切。I will tell you everything about Mei Niang, if you can calculate the following risk.

夜前恶补要有胜算,你最好的赌注应该放在重点上。Night-before cramming requires playing the odds, and your best bet is on the big stuff.

他疑惑到底莫哈末阿里是以什么实据为准则,而列出有关的胜算选政党排名。He is puzzled on how Ali Rustam managed to speculate the chances of winning of each party.

因此,鉴于上述情况,我要看看2.5球下唇上慷慨的胜算。Therefore, with the above in mind, I have to take under 2.5 goals at generous odds of evens.

土耳其会软化对塞浦路斯政策以增加其成为欧盟成员的胜算?Will Turkey soften its policy toward Cyprus to increase its odds of becoming part of the EU?

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我的一切受优雅所祝福,像妳这样的低等灵毫无胜算。Every part of me is blessed with elegance. A low-level spirit like you has no chance of winning.

新闻集团在新老媒体之争中的胜算几何呢?And exactly how much share does News Corp hold in the search engine news v. old-guard media battle?

所有新任领导都在自己的岗位上得到检验,而他们需要通过谈判来提高成功的胜算。All new leaders will be tested in their roles and need to negotiate to improve their odds of success.