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我们所寻求的是一边倒的战斗。We're looking for a very one-sided fight.

二是反哺成本供给“一边倒”。Leaning to one side of back-nurture supply.

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如果选举呈一边倒的局面,那么实际上毫无竞争可言。If the election is one-sided, it is really no contest.

测量从裤筒的一边倒另一边的宽度。Measure from one side of the leg opening to the other side.

巴塞罗那一边倒的胜利是令人心服口服的。Which would make Barcelona's lopsided win even more impressive.

我们之间的关系其实是一边倒,哈佛的学生更嫉妒我们耶鲁的学生。It's more of an one- sided relationship. They're more jealous of us.

毕竟,尼克松以一边倒的优势赢得了1972年的竞选。After all, Nixon did win the 1972 election by an overwhelming landslide.

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周六晚,贝托一边倒地赢了乌兰戈,但却不象那回事。Berto's one-sided victory over Juan Urango on Saturday night wasn't that.

一边倒的赌局中,新手刀锋毫无悬念地大肆败北。A one-sided gamble of inquiry, the beginner blade doubt to wantonly westerlo.

令人惊讶的是,荷兰vs西班牙可能是其中最最一边倒的比赛。Amazingly, Holland v Spain might be the most one-sided match of the tournament.

地产大腕们言论一边倒楼市的秋天会提前到来?。Real estate was made known earlier arrival sidedness property market will fall?

打哈顿时,他表现得更好些,但仍一边倒地输掉点数。He had a bit more success against Ricky Hatton but still lost a one-sided decision.

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国际社会态度一边倒,并已经着眼利比亚的未来。One-sided attitude of the international community, and have focused Libya's future.

他一边留意着贵生的神情,一边倒了一杯水。He is keeping in idea expensive infrequent facial wording and pouring one cup water.

按该营军史记载,一场一边倒的、近乎胡闹的战役。According to the battalion history, it was a swashbuckling, almost skylarking campaign.

相比于网民一边倒的反对,汇源的内部人员在这个问题上分为了两派。Unlike the overwhelming disapproval voiced by netizens, insiders were divided on the deal.

他一边倒着一瓶酒,吃着从少女的糖盒中拿出的一块巧克力,一边得意地笑着。He smirked as he decanted a bottle of wine and ate a piece of chocolate from her candy box.

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共和党人控制的众议院上个月以一边倒的70票赞成26票反对通过了条例。The Republican-controlled House approved the measure with a lopsided 70-26 vote last month.

除了两次失误和一个反弹球之外,这场比赛并不向人们想像的一边倒。There wasn't a great deal between the two teams other than us making two ricks and a deflected goal.

在斯台普斯中心主场的几场比赛也许会是一边倒的局面,使得湖人24号球员的数据会下降一些。A few games at Staples Center might just turn into laughers , bringing down No. 24's stat line a bit.