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猿科动物亚目中的成员,包括猴子、猿和原人。Any member of the suborder anthropoidea including monkeys and apes and hominids.

你叫我‘前辈’,我已经觉得像史前原人的遗骸了。When you call me 'senior, ' I feel like a prehistoric relic. Why do you add the word 'elder'?

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事实上,我们就是那丢失的进化衔接部分,在你们从原人直接跳跃进化智人阶段。We are in fact the missing link that has jumped your evolution from what you call primitive man.

考古学家步日耶根据周口店发掘的资料,绘制成五十万年前「北京原人生活示意图」。Archeologist Henri Breuil drew this picture illustrating his conception of the daily life of Peking Man.

利用电脑原人的能力穿过史前风格的场景寻找龙公主杂。Bonk's ability to use computers across the prehistoric-style search for Dragon Princess miscellaneous scenes.

与此同时,通过分析,我们看不出图根原人与我们之间有任何特别的种系关系。At the same time, by way of the analysis, we see no special phylogenetic connection between Orrorin and our own genus, Homo.

客家人是在中国历史上的中原人南迁到南方后,逐步形成的独立民系。The Hakkans have gradually formed an independent civilian system since they moved to the south China from the central plains in the early Chinese history.

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五陵原人的活动与思想对汉代政治发展产生了积极与消极两方面影响。The activities and thinking of inhabitants of the five hills exerted both positive and negative influence upon the development of politics in Han Dynasty.

组织学和超微结构形态均证明该实体瘤保留了原人卵巢癌、肝癌、脾癌特征。Histological and ultrastructural observation showed that the hepatic and splenic metastatic tumors retained the features of the original human ovarian carcinoma.

测试是以跟随训练追踪测试生理机能,系统现察世居高原人在高原训练期间的生理机能变化规律,以便为其高原训练的计划制定理论依据。By analyzing the changing characteristics of the old peoples physiology function, the paper puts forward prescription for scientific aerobics and evaluation methods.

上第一课,他像创世纪里原人阿大唱新生禽兽的名字,以后他连点名簿子也不带了。At the first class hung-chien was like adam in the book of genesis calling out the names of the newly created animals. after that he did n't even bring his roll book.

面临的问题是需要确定是什么促使了这种能直立行走与攀爬的原人向我们现代人演化。Jungers, is "to identify what precipitated the change from this ancient and successful adaptation of upright walking, and climbing, to our own obligate form of bipedalism."

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电脑原人必须在一片原始而富有异国情调的游戏场景中用头撞开挡在他面前的所有阻碍,从邪恶的流口水国王手中救出公主。Bonk computer must be in a primitive and exotic game scene with the first block in front of him break all the obstacles, drooling from the evil hands of the king rescued the princess.

送去日本调查了后发现这件化石可能是五十万年前耶﹐生做像北京原人﹐但是艾等到今年七月才有法度确定。Preliminary studies in Japan indicated that this fossil may be half a million years old and resembles the Peking man fossil, although the final results will not be available until July this year.