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因为万物都变得不育而贫瘠For all things turn to barrenness

子宫内膜炎是不育的原子。Endometritis is a cause of infertility.

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易位杂合体是半不育的。Inversion heterozygotes are semi-sterile.

电影制片人泰伦斯马利克是不育。Filmmaker Terrence Malick is not prolific.

因此,该不育系是无花粉型不育系。So 64A was considered no-pollen type sterile line.

不育的子房球状,密被具铁锈色长柔毛。Sterile ovary globose, densely ferruginous villous.

植物雄性不育在自然界中广泛存在。Male sterility in plants was widely existed in nature.

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其不育性由一对隐性核基因控制。Its sterility was controlled by a recessive genic gene.

那可能引起青少年的问题——不育和癌症。That can mean sterility, problems as a teenager, cancer.

精子不健康导致的不育能治好么?Is spermatozoon insalubrious bring about not can Yo cure?

用权力要求9的方法产生的雄性不育玉米植株。A male sterile maize plant produced by the method of claim 9.

可育小穗伴随着栉状不育的小穗。Fertile spikelets accompanied by pectinate sterile spikelets.

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同时对隐性上位核不育的遗传行为方式进行了讨论。The genetic behavior of recessive epistatic GMS is discussed.

乔布斯曾以不育为借口拒绝抚养自己的第一个孩子。He denied paternity on his first child, claiming he was sterile.

这种元素的微量即可导致不育、癌症甚至死亡。The smallest amount can cause infertility, cancer and even death.

然而,在绿色和粉红色两个品种间杂交产生了不育杂种。Yet crosses between the green and pink types produce sterile hybrids.

在健康问题之下,你可能会想要加上避孕和不育。Under health issues, you may want to add contraception and infertility.

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并利用该不育系试配了几个杂种优势明显的甘蓝杂交新组合。It has been used to developed several crossbreed with obvious heterosis.

大部分品质性状受不育系的影响大于受恢复系的影响。Most of traits were greatly influenced by CMS lines than restorer lines.

雌性不育、雄性可育野生稻2007年被我们发现,经过两年观察,证实其确定性。The wild rice of female-sterile but male-fertile was found by us in 2007.