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下一个体育比赛专案是链球。The next athletics event is the hammer.

建立新的巨集专案和模组。Creating new macro projects and modules.

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多少百分比的专案是在预算之内完成的?What percentage of projects come in on-budget?

重新命名巨集专案、模组和命令。Renaming macro projects, modules, and commands.

它们提供无限专案追踪和自动应答。They offer unlimited ad tracking and auto responders.

大型专案会有好几个小组平行作业。A large project has several teams that work in parallel.

在网站专案中,您可以建立单一档案页面。In a Web site project, you can create single-file pages.

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选取要重新命名专案组态的专案。Select a project with a project configuration to rename.

没把握的时候就提议设立专案小组。When in doubt, suggest that a subcommittee be appointed.

选取这个以从开始时间起向前排程专案。Select this to schedule the project backward from end time.

伊斯特拉郡的安娜派柏尼克负责协调这个专案。Ana Pibernik of the Istrian county co-ordinates the project.

在此,并对专案小组的努力表达诚挚的谢意。I earnestly thank the project team with their best effort done.

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在专案浏览器的清单中点选两下您要放置”相机”的视图名称。Double-click on the plan view where you want to put your camera.

预设专案不会产生执行阶段授权或说明档。The default project generates no run-time license or help files.

专案层级群组只会提供该专案的使用权限。A project-level group provides permissions only for that project.

此特性仅当专案位于本地磁碟上才可用。This feature is available only if the project lies on a local disk.

您可以将集合层级的群组加入至专案层级的群组。You can add collection-level groups to a group at the project level.

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无须洽请签证会计师出具内部控制制度专案审查报告。CPA to provide a special audit report on its internal control system.

透过对一个主要设计制造专案的主动学习来达到课程目的。Subject relies on active learning via a major design-and-build project.

在其他专案类型中,属性可能有不同的预设值。In other project types, the properties may have different default values.