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也会用整块地来测试它的隔音性和防火性。Full size floors were also tested for acoustic insulation and for fire resistance.

陶板为烧制而成,所以具有很好的耐火性,是一种遇火也不会变色变形的耐燃材料。Because they are burned with fire, they are also fire proof and won't change their color when burnt.

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柴油具有良好的着火性和可燃性,被用来控制自燃和限制爆震燃烧。While diesel fuel with better ignitability is used to control auto-ignition and knocking in the HCCI environment.

混凝土材料以其抗压强度高、耐火性好、使用灵活、施工方便等优点。With its high compressive strength of concrete, fire resistance, good use of flexible, easy construction and so on.

施工时无引火性,干燥后具有阻燃性,离开火源1秒钟自熄。It causes no spark during construction, fire resistant after drying, and extinguishes in 1s after fire source taken away.

它具有抗震性能好、承载力高,耐火性和耐久性好等优点。It has many advantages such as good earthquake resistant behavior, high load-carrying capacity, good resistance to fire and durability.

特别是EPS泡沫板、XPS泡沫板的耐火性较差,在80摄氏度以上就会熔融变形并滴落下来。Especially EPS foam board, XPS bubble board of flame resistant is poorer, in 80 degrees Celsius above will melt deformation and drop off.

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在进行钢筋混凝土结构的抗火性能探究时,需要考虑材料本构关系的加卸载。When the property fighting fire that has ferroconcrete structure studies, need what this compose concerns to consider data add uninstall.

石膏刨花板是用木刨花增强的石膏板,它有较高的MOR和MOE,优良的耐火性和不燃性。Gypsum flakeboard is a gypsum board with reinforcement by wood flake. It has a higher MOR and MOE, good fire resistance and incombustibility.

吸声帘幕具有防火性、可变吸声性、易安装、装饰性等基本特点。It has a lot of characteristics such as fire-proof capability, variable sound-absorption, convenience of installation, decorative result, etc.

如果很多人同时执行火性,可能火还没烧到你,你就因一氧化碳中毒停止呼吸了。If a large number of people were to be burnt at the same time, death could occur through carbon monoxide poisoning before the fire reached you.

在矿物绝缘电缆中应用的无机材料,可保证电缆具有稳定性、寿命长和耐火性。In mineral insulated cables of the application of inorganic material, can ensure the cable has stability, long service life and flame resistant.

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本文采用有限元方法对钢骨混凝土偏压柱的抗火性能进行研究,首先以相关试验数据对分析理论与计算程序的可靠性进行验证。The FEM is used for analysis of fire-resistance of SRC column in this paper and the analytical program has been verified by experimental results.

研究由双氰胺、磷酸和硼酸组成的滞火剂配方及其滞火性能。This paper is concerned with properties of Fire-retardant and its composition of DPB which include Dicyandiamide, Phosphoric acid and Boric acid.

轻便的板式结构,优质的聚酯合成纤维过滤材料,初阻力低,防火性好。The light panel structure, the high quality PET synthetic fiber filter material is with features of low initial pressure, good fire-proof function.

根据5种树皮的阻燃性和林木耐火性差异提出相应的森林消防措施。According to the flame retardancy of bark and the fire resistance of the 5 tree species, we commended forest fire protection measures correspondingly.

根据材料在不同温度下的本构模型,对钢筋混凝土连续梁的抗火性能进行了非线性分析。The non-linear fire-resistant properties of continuous beams were analysed, according to the constitutive models of material at different temperatures.

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提出了将乙二醇二甲醚作为乙醇柴油燃料的一种组成成分,利用乙二醇二甲醚好的发火性来改善乙醇柴油燃料差的发火性。This paper presents that to take ethylene glycol dimethyl ether as the elements of ethanol-diesel fuel so as to improve the bad ignition property of ethanol-diesel fuel.

高性能混凝土的抗火性能比普通混凝土差,在混凝土中加入聚丙烯纤维可作为一种有效的混凝土温差补偿抗裂手段。Fire behavior polypropylene fiber of high performance concrete is less than common concrete, it is an efficient means to resist crack when adding polypropylene fiber to concrete.

兼顾工程塑料之加工性、防火性、物性、外观性、耐候性等,高标符合环保法规。GFR-2004 can satisfy processing workability, Fire resistance, Surface appearance, Physical properties, Durability demands in TPE materials. Comply with environmental regulations.