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汉语普通话的地位会不会上升?Will Mandarin ascend?

不要降低你的地位。Don't abase your apartment.

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他是一位地位显要的人物。He is a very important man.

经济地位承认了。Economic station is admited.

人人都争地位。Everybody fights for position.

合成了La1的逻辑真理的地位。LA1 the status of logical truth.

你也可以看出我们是处于何等的地位。You see on what a footing we are.

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善良的心灵胜于显贵的地位。Kind hearts are more than coronets.

弥尔顿的地位次于莎士比亚。Milton is placed after Shakespeare.

该轮到我处于支配地位了。It was MY time to assume ascendency.

在课堂教学中教师占主导地位。Teachers rule in classroom teaching.

斯坦福德队处于领先地位。The Stamford team is in first place.

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皇妹曾问我,妳在我心中的地位。Wong Mei asked me, you are my heart.

消费者越来越占据主动地位。Consumers are increasingly in charge.

在运动领域里,足球居最重要地位。Football rules in the field of sport.

具有独立法人地位。Has an independent legal personality.

我对人家附庸风雅的地位没有兴趣。I wasn't interested in a snob degree.

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在公司里,狄克的地位比汤姆高。In the company, Dick ranks above Tom.

过去的生活粗化时间的统治地位。Past lives coarsened by time's reign.

体育运动在他的生活中没有地位。Sports never had a place in his life.