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请上交你的作业本。Hand in your workbooks, please.

我今天早上上交了我的辞职报告。I handed in my resignation this morning.

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他正要求人们上交白蜡树的种子。He is asking people to send in ash seeds.

在大学里我从来没有上交课程作业。At university I never got my coursework in.

这就意味着公司会上交你的个人信息。Yes, this means handing over your account's info.

图上交错的树枝看起来很有诗意。The interlacing branches on the picture look poetic.

上交截止日期分别为第14课和第23课后的第二天。They will be due a day after lecture 14 and lecture 23.

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化成平原上交错的蹊径。We are transformed into crisscrossed paths on the plain.

上交客房部办公室所有客人丢失的物品。Turns-in all lost and found items to housekeeping office.

大多数都要上交,如果走私棉花,还要罚钱。Most have paid if the smuggling of cotton, but also Faqian.

我不明白,因为我没有及时上交利润?I do not understand, because I did not timely deliver profits ?

多余器材应该上交。Surplus equipment should be turned over to the higher authorities.

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请在特快专递详单上写上交寄邮件的日期和时间。Please write down the date and time of posting on the present lable.

这些书面作业中,至少有一份需要修改后再次上交。Of these written assignments, at least one is revised and resubmitted.

在上交我们一起合作完成的报告后,and then once we turn in the completed paper that we worked on together,

画展,上交,泥土,绘画,点,蜡笔,彩笔,巨大的,蚤类,鸡尾酒。Art show, enter, clay, paint, dot, crayon, marker, giant, fleas, peas, punch.

因此,我完成了我的课程,上交了我的毕业论文,然后拿到了学位。So, I finished my coursework, I turned in my final paper and I got the degree.

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本公司将为该员工代扣代徼个人所得税,并将应纳税款上交相应税务机关。The COMPANY shall withhold such amount and pay it to the competent tax bureau.

但是,我们向你保证,如果你努力工作,你最终将可以赚回你上交的钱。But we assure you, if you work hard, you will be eventually able to earn it back.

任务失败后,历文轩等人被勒令上交枪支。After the failure of the task, calendar handed guns were ordered to Wenxuan et al.