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印度和巴基斯坦也会如法炮制。Then India would follow suit, as would Pakistan.

实际上乔布斯确实也在用苹果电视试图如法炮制。Jobs actually did try the same thing with Apple TV.

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摔交选手为了达到某个重量级别总是如法炮制。Wrestlers do it all the time to make a weight class.

翌年开春,他们又如法炮制了同样的计划。The next year, they make the same New Year's resolutions.

第二天,杰克见到他的叔叔,他便如法炮制。The next day, he met his uncle, he did as the men told him.

对于其它的溺爱也如法炮制,如劝他自己吃菜。The same goes for other coddling behaviors, like pestering him to eat his vegetables.

当上海如法炮制香港的发展力量之时,香港只会变得越来越无关紧要。As Shanghai replicates Hong Kong's strengths, Hong Kong will only become less relevant.

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他们也不能想当然地认为对手采用某种策略获得了成功,那么自己如法炮制也能取得好的收成。And they can't assume that just because a rival is succeeding with a certain strategy, they will, too.

雷贝特先生给他在小巷里逮到的随地小便者开出罚单后几分钟,另一个嫌疑人如法炮制。Minutes after Mr. Rebete ticketed the urinator he caught in the alley, another suspect headed the same way.

再次选择这个工具,我们再次如法炮制,但是这次已有的选区使得建立蒙版更方便。Select this tool again and we are going to do the same as before, however the selection has made it much easier.

回程的时候,两个扬基队球迷决定如法炮制,两人也只买了一张车票。On the return journey the Yankees fans decide to pull the same trick and purchase only one ticket for the two of them.

如字头以后之字干和字尾如法炮制,将更提升检索之精准性。The preciseness for indexing shall be advanced further if the suffixes and word roots are processed in the same manner.

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拍户外场景的时候,他们也是如法炮制,把一片吹制玻璃带出去,结果仍不如意。They shot a few exteriors this way, too, taking a piece of blown glass outside, but were dissatisfied with the results.

与此相似,一些传统意义上支付股息的公司可能在股票价格下滑时也会如法炮制。Similarly, some companies that havetraditionally paid stock dividends may continue to do so even as their stockprice slips.

有时亚洲蛤霸占同类其他亚洲蛤的卵,也会如法炮制,使这些卵受精,然后排出原来的基因。Sometimes the clams pull the same trick with eggs from other clams of the same species, fertilising them and then dumping their genes.

所以,只要买袋米,舀出您所需要的量,再加上您喜欢的香草料和其他调味料,然后按要求将米煮熟就如法炮制了。Buy a bag of rice, measure out what you need, add your own herbs and other seasonings, and cook the rice according to package directions.

一旦任何一个世贸组织成员国对中国设立进口防护性壁垒时,其他成员国都可以如法炮制,无需调查研究本国产业是否受到了影响。Once any WTO member imposes a China safeguard on imports, others can do so without examining whether their own industries have been affected.

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一些小型棉纺厂很快便如法炮制,但大多数在十九世纪末二十世纪初都以失败告终,这是因为其创办者没有着眼于大市场。A number of small cotton mills soon followed, but most of them failed by the turn of the century because their promoters did not aim to a wide market.

音乐也可以如法炮制,如果没有专门的击打乐器,用杯子盛不一样量的水也能调试出一组音高来。It could be applied to Music Course. We could make glasses of difference volume of water to form seven notations if there is no specific percussion instrument.

这些报道还暗示说,金正日对打开中国国门的经济改革产生兴趣,不过并未透露他赞成与否或是否将如法炮制。They also hinted that Mr. Kim was interested in the economic overhauls that opened China to the world, though they didn't say he endorsed or would follow them.