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绿豆焙盘和南瓜馅饼。Green bean casserole and pumpkin pie.

绿豆,薏苡仁,甘草,西谷米。Green Bean, Coix Seed, sweet root, sago.

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借给我六斗六升好绿豆。Lends my six buckets of six liter mungbean.

绿豆可以防暑消热。Green beans can prevent you from hot summer.

真的,有好多好多的芝麻绿豆都是如此。Really , a lot of sesame green beans are so.

在绿豆上能结瘤,不属135血清型。The new group did not belong to 135 serogroup.

绿豆一大碗、冰糖适量。A large bowl of mungbean, crystal sugar moderate.

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绿豆也能够清热败火、防暑解毒,还是养脾胃的良品。It is also knows to be good for spleen and stomach.

为芝麻绿豆般的小事争论实在毫无意义。There's really no point in arguing about pinpoints.

蘑菇,绿豆,番茄酱,洋葱和大葱。Mushroom, Mung bean, tomato souse with onions and herbs.

芝麻,花生,大豆,红豆,绿豆,荞麦。Sesame, Peanut, Soybean, Red Bean, Mung Bean, Buckwheat.

从绿豆幼苗中已部分地提纯了这种酶。The enzyme has been partially purified from muny bean shoots.

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适当加衣防感冒,萝卜绿豆好进补。With proper clothing against cold, turnip mungbean good signings.

如果我们不能解决这个麻烦,白水事件马上会显得好似芝麻绿豆大的小事一般。If we didn’t, Whitewater would soon look like the sideshow it was.

如果刚才你和另一半或是和家人为了芝麻绿豆的事闹翻了。If you and your partner or your families fall out over the bagatelles.

在西雅图生活的亚洲人喜欢绿豆、红豆和香芋口味的冰淇淋。Asian populations in Seattle enjoy green bean, red bean and taro ice creams.

切片,洒上粗盐粒,拌上黄豆绿豆沙拉食用。Slice, sprinkle with coarse salt and serve with Yellow and Green Bean Salad.

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绿豆可以清热解毒、利尿消肿。The mungbean may the clearing heat and detoxication, the diuresis detumescence.

绿豆象是小豆的主要仓贮害虫。One of the main stored grain insects of adzuki bean is Callosobruchus chinensis.

豆汁儿实际上是制作绿豆淀粉或是粉条时剩下的东西。Douzhir is actually what's left over for making green bean amylum or glass noodles.