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纸卷方式。Scroll Mode.

为什么有这么多方式呢Why do this?

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这种方式速度极慢。This was slow.

这是一种表达建议的方式。It's a suggestion.

停止同时多任务的方式。Stop multi-tasking.

有没有一种方式。There is no one-way.

然后以这种方式一直下去And move on like that.

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我们了解他们踢球的方式。We know how they play.

他能改变他的处事方式么?Can he change his ways?

然而,迪柏夫女士也看到了这种方式的风险。But she also sees a risk.

用猜的方式引入新朋友海宝。Haibao is our new friend.

表达爱的最佳方式?How to express your love?

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销售方式按单件卖。Sales to the single sell.

深度是用图示的方式建立的。The water was waist-deep.

这是结束的一种方式。This is a meas to an end.

此次交易采用全现金方式。This is an all-cash deal.

使用“如果-那么”的表达方式。Use "If-Then" statements.

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你希望以何种方式死去?How would you like to die?

至于透支方式的放款。In the case of overdrafts.

你知道更多的快捷方式?Do you know more shortcuts?