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我是如此的充满禅意。I am so ZEN.

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它有27个字母,意思类似于“充满了荣耀”。That's 27 letters.

生活应当充满乐趣。Life should be fun.

一个充满抱怨者的国家?A nation of whiners?

充满了神秘的小盒子。A small box of mistery.

人生充满了遗憾。Life is full of pities.

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喔,充满愿望的世界哦。Ohh, a world of wishes.

充满热情,理想化。Passionate. Idealistic.

上帝那充满牢骚的召唤。God's querulous calling.

在这充满奇迹的海洋之上。In the wonder of the sea.

他们对前途充满希望。He desisted of the future.

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这篇文章充满偏见。This article is so biased.

这里充满了死亡之气。This place reeks of death.

充满了快乐和慈悲。Full of joy and humaneness.

他有了一个充满磨砺的短途旅行。He had a painful excursion.

她内心充满了喜悦。Her heart bounded with joy.

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他的声音里充满了不赞成。His voice was disapproving.

机舱内充满了烟味。The cabin is full of smoke.

但我们有理由充满希望。But there's reason for hope.