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你喜欢吃落花生吗?Do you like monkey nuts?

我是个算命的先生,我也卖过酸枣、落花生什么的。Once I was a vender of sour dates , ground-nuts and what not.

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当杰里落花生问他为什么拒绝,杰里没有答案。When The Goober asks Jerry why he refused, Jerry does not have an answer.

花生,或者叫做落花生,是很多发展中国家的重要农作物。Peanuts, or groundnuts, are an important crop in many developing countries.

落花生,秋葵和携带来自西非并且首先被在美国的奴隶们使用。Goober gumbo and tote are west african borrowings first used in america by slaves.

我也卖过酸枣,落花生什么的,那可是先前的事了。Once I was a vender of sour dates, ground-nuts and what not. But that was ages ago.

研究者比较了食用低胆固醇食物和含有更多脂肪的落花生对心脏的影响。Researchers compared the cholesterol-lowering effect with a higher-fat diet based on peanuts.

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在此研究中探讨乾燥温度对于落花生等温水份平衡线之影响。The effect of drying temperature on sorption isotherms of peanuts were studied in this research.

当时我是被封为宰相,每日都得他十荚的落花生吃。At that time I had the rank of Prime Minister and I received my daily allotment of ten pods of peanuts.

其中的一个方法就是给它们吃高蛋白的食物比如象紫花苜蓿,落花生和蔬菜叶。One way is to give the animals high-protein plants like alfalfa, groundnut grasses and vegetable leaves to eat.

“落花生精神”成为一种写作的指导理念始终潜藏在许地山的文学创作动因中。Groundnut Inspirit"became a kind of leading principle that always hidden in Xu dishan's artistic creation motive."

我和一班同寅的,当面称他做王,背后总是叫他落花生。Among us, we would always address him as King in his presence. Behind him, we invariably referred to him as Peanuts.

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小剂量化肥实地试验也可以在尼日尔对落花生、豇豆、黄秋葵、西红柿以及其他蔬菜进行。Microdosing field trials are also being conducted in Niger on groundnuts, cowpeas, okra, tomato and other vegetables.

雨季的降雨量达到1972年以来最低水平,影响了稻米,糖和落花生的产量降低,导致价格上升。Prices have risen after the lowest monsoon rain levels since 1972 affected production of crops such as rice, sugar and groundnut.

实验结果显示乾燥温度对落花生水份平衡线物性有显著性影响。The experimental results indicate that the drying temperatures have the significant effect on the sorption properties of peanuts.

纳尔逊纪念柱则用一根黄瓜、小胡瓜和一根胡萝卜巧妙塑成,上面还镶嵌有落花生和杏仁。While Nelson's Column is cleverly constructed from a cucumber, baby courgettes and a carrot with a monkey nut and almond stuck on to it.

在本研究中,利用具有自动合成建模技巧之多项式网路,得到落花生乾燥过程中之含水率状况。In order to monitoring the water content of the peanut during the drying process and budding rate, the polynomial network is used to construct a water content prediction model.

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联合国说非洲的一些农民在干燥期间种植落花生,这种抵御干燥环境的植物种子可以煮着吃或者用来做面粉。The United Nations says some African farmers grow bambara groundnuts during long dry periods. The seeds of this drought-resistant plant can be boiled for eating or for making flour.