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他专攻物理。He majors in physics.

你专攻什么方向?What do you specialize in?

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他专攻动物物种。He specialized in animal species.

她专攻计算机科学。She specializes in computer science.

你可以专攻宪法,You can specialize in constitutional law,

学习创业精神,但同时要做到术业有专攻。Study entrepreneurship, but major in something else.

他是专攻美国诗歌的语文学家。He is a philologist, specialising in American poetry.

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而且它们都专攻不同的领域。all of them are sort of specialising in different areas.

婴儿开始专攻他们的母语。Infants are beginning to specialise in their own language.

一些公司专攻大规模的并行计算。Some companies specialized in massively parallel computing.

比如诺丁汉特伦特大学,专攻针织品,like Nottingham Trent University, specialising in knitwear,

闻道有先后,术业有专攻,如是而已。Wen Road have been, industry specializing in surgery, so it.

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李先生说他要专攻历史,他是决心认真干的。Mr. Lee said he would major in history and he means business.

最初,谢文骏练习的是足球,专攻守门员。Initially, Xie Wenjun's soccer practice, specializing in goal.

伦敦艺术学院,这显然是专攻时装的。London College of Art which obviously will specialise in fashion.

学生可以选择主修、双修、辅修或者专攻音乐这门课。MIT students can major, double major, minor or concentrate in music.

目前在日本火辣辣热卖中之专攻男女市场产品。This product is currently hot sold in Japan for man and woman market.

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他专攻古典文学,旁及历史。He studies classical literature, but also takes an interest in history.

对于职业发展,我们传统的观念就是术业有专攻。Thee conventional wisdom on how to manage your career is to specialize.

我们每个人分工合作,专攻项目的一个方面。Each of us has had to specialize and focus on one aspect of the project.